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Z.O.E. 2167 Idolo
Z.O.E. 2167 Idolo
Titlu:  Z.O.E. 2167 Idolo
Sinonime:  Z.O.E. Idolo, Zone of the Enders 2167 Idolo
Gen:  Actiune, Mecha, SciFi
An:  2001
Tip:  OVA
Episoade:  1
Studio:  Sunrise
Rating:  - (0)
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Z.O.E. 2167 Idolo will take place five years prior to the events of the PlayStation 2 game Zone of the Enders, and is centered on the Deimos Incident, a terrorist action by the Mars revolutionaries.

During the incident, rebels attacked the United Nations Space Force base on the Martian moon of Deimos and stole one of the original orbital frame prototypes. The orbital frame prototype is shown in several images below, and may carry the Idolo name from the movie`s title.

Also of note is that one of the female characters that bears a striking resemblance to Viola, the antagonist of the game.

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Lista episoade
Ep. Titlu Durata
1.   OVA 51 m



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