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Titlu:  H2
Kanji:  H2[エイチ・ツー]
Gen:  Comedie, Romantic, Scoala, Sporturi
An:  1995
Tip:  TV
Episoade:  41
Studio:  Adachi Mitsuru, Ashi Productions, Shogakukan Productions
Rating:  - (0)
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Hiro has two loves, baseball and porn, but due to an elbow injury he gives up baseball choosing a school with no baseball team. His childhood friend Hikari attends a different school with baseball ace Hideo and the two wish Hiro had not given up baseball. Hiro joins the soccer team but meets Haruka, a very clumsy girl, who is manager of the unofficial baseball club. When the soccer team challenges the baseball club to a game, with hopes of humiliating them, the baseball club nearly loses until Hiro, disgusted by the soccer team`s arrogance, switches to the baseball club.

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Lista episoade
Ep. Titlu Durata
1.   Youth is Baseball 24 m
2.   The Target is Ryougoku Skills Center 24 m
3.   The Soccer Club 24 m
4.   Baseball is Different 24 m
5.   Should I Fill Out the Application Form? 24 m
6.   This is Kunimi Hiro 24 m
7.   Quitting the Basball Fanclub 24 m
8.   Glass Elbow 24 m
9.   Maybe Gods Want To Watch 24 m
10.   Unrealistic Opening 24 m
11.   Defeat Meiwa High 24 m
12.   No Fortune in Lots 24 m
13.   Friends Will Understand 24 m
14.   The Substitute Team 24 m
15.   Ain`t it Cool 24 m
16.   This Time I Won`t Slip 24 m
17.   Hiro Injured! What will the fate of the basebal fanclub be? 24 m
18.   Intense 9th Inning, Hiro is the Batter 24 m
19.   Conversion: The Baseball Department Established 24 m
20.   Hiro vs Running 24 m
21.   Haruko, Hikari, and Hiro`s Relationship 24 m
22.   Replacement Date, Spending the Night Outside 24 m
23.   Alone Together, Sleepless Night 24 m
24.   This Summer Is Like A Firework 24 m
25.   Coach Promises, I am Koga Fuji 24 m
26.   Goodbye Seniors, A Tear-Jerking Farewell Game 24 m
27.   Hideo`s Dream Home Run 24 m
28.   Anniversary Match, A Bunch of Dangerous People 24 m
29.   Hikari`s Danger, Syuuji`s Trap 24 m
30.   Hikari`s Lies, Hiro`s Tears 24 m
31.   The New Opponent, Eikyou`s Kouda 24 m
32.   Genius Batter Hideo, The Impressive Bat 24 m
33.   Senkawa Festival, Welcoming Eikyou College 24 m
34.   A Serious Game 24 m
35.   Want me to Warn for 3 Strikes? 24 m
36.   My Scoreboard Says 3-1 24 m
37.   The Waiting in the Cardboard Box 24 m
38.   First Date, Pleased to Meet You 24 m
39.   The Psychological Barrier Unable to Clear 24 m
40.   The Dream That Never Changes 24 m
41.   Summer Pledge, From Now On 24 m



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