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> The Cursed One

Rock Girl
post Dec 7 2008, 11:28 AM
Post #1

Necro Kid

Group: Members+
Posts: 47
Joined: 22-August 08
From: Arad
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Points: 119

The Cursed One


The Cursed One

One day or another, when I'll become a bother,

Searching for my brother, that's lying next to me

I will realise, that I must memorise,

That I must keep inside, the answers from between.

One day or another, when I will obtain the other

It won't become a bother, a bother to forget.

Forget the other, forget the brother,

It won't become a bother, a bother to forget.

One day or another, when I will find my brother,

When I will find the other, when I won't be a bother

When I will control my anger, when I will help the other

You will become another, another curse to me.


The Letter

The letter or the matter,
The matter of the latter,
Why does it even matter,
If I lose that letter?

The lesser thing than anger,
The center with the dagger,
Which dagger in the center,
It's the bitter from the letter?

The faster thing than ever,
The hacker of the matter,
Will see the letter
But this doesn't matter.



~ part 1 ~

Everywhere and nowhere, I'm looking there
At all those things that I have to bear,
A vivid light, searching from where
The darkest voice that only I hear
Tells me I shouldn't be here,
And then it shouts into my ear
"Kill your soul and die, my dear!"

And it took me everywhere, starting from where
The nature and the nightmare at which I glared
The unsecured rasure started to revere
While the rare rapture began to sere
And the vampire started to fear
Unaware of his own sphere, when settled the umpire
Is he going to be free, or will he no longer be?


Wind's Road

In the end, with no one near,

The almighty has appeared

Softly speaking into my ear:

"You must now choose your road, my dear.

Choose the left road over here,

And the dark voices that you will hear

The things that slightly disappeared,

That will make you kill yourself, my dear.

Stay on the road where you are now,

And things will continue to go how

They did before, repeating and you know,

Till the suicidal thought will start to grow,

Devouring your soul till you'll be gone.

But rise your head and look at right,

There's your first path full of light;

There's where your future can be bright

The wind's road full of might.

What do you choose? "

"What I choose it's my choice,

So wind, listen to my voice

Listen to it as you always did

And tell me what I should do.

What should I do?"

" To stay and not to stray,

Because, as you saw today,

After you realised yesterday

And the day before it and so on.

Your road is not the same

The same with different names

Come back to the origins,

And even before that,

Because when you come with us

You have to stay with us

Forever. "

"Then so be it, as you say:

Gone with the wind, on the Wind's Road

In the places where I will grow,

Fly with my winds, like I did before

And I will stay on the good wind's side




~ part 2 ~

The voices are gone, and I can't get back home
My friends are back, but nothing's on crack
Not anymore, I just don't want it like before
And so my gain, won't go like rain.
While I opened the door, in search for more
You locked it back, now I'm back on track.
I want fear gone, I don't want home.

Fear is still here, fear is still near
It turns our hearts, into games of darts;
When you two meet, or when you speak
It makes you weak, when it's too deep.
Covered in fear, afraid of losing someone dear
Hiding behind masks, these are the real facts.
Now on the inside, you must have realised:
You want fear gone, or else you're done.


The Spark

~ part 1 ~

He wanted to kill, that was his will
To pay the bill, in order to fulfill
In feeding his pill, unable to stay chill
All this nonsense till, he felt down hill.
Hurt, he got ill, sitting under a grill
Running from his will, consumed by that pill.

She wanted to stay, but maybe she may
Have tried to say, that he can relay
On her every day. No need to pay
Or, to be at bay, because their way
Is like running away, on a big highway
But then you stay, and down you lay.

He's an undead, and he's in my head
When he was mad, I began seeing red;
We wanted her dead, that's where it led
Thoughts that were bad, stupid I could add
She was so sad, while crying in bed...
There's where it led; what was in my head?


Şoim cu aripa tăiată

Într'o lume minunată, de complexe măcinată,
Cu poteca derivată, chiar de frică decimată
Ce ar zice că'i uitată, chiar de toţi abandonată;
Masca mult prea căutată, puritatea nesalvată
Speranţa abandonată, iluzia revendicată
Ce's la suprafaţa plată, şoim cu aripa tăiată.

Egoul vostru cel mare, se uită cu nepăsare,
Şi scufundă în uitare, toate lucrurile care
Nu's după a sa dictare, căci el este cel mai tare;
Dar nu şi cel care are, drept să pună după bare
Să vă ţină în visare, cu iluzii drept mâncare
Şi o mască care pare, fără şanse pe'o cărare.

Oameni plini de vise false, ipocriţi şi plini de farse
Ce v'aruncaţi de pe case, vreţi ca alţii să vă lase,
Care aveţi texte groase, sau băgaţi frica în mase;
Voi aveţi statuturi joase, puneţi etichete roase
Aripa'mi tăiaţi din oase, şi apoi trăgeaţi foloase
Iar cel ce vă ridicase, primea vorbe dureroase.

Eu nu vreau poteca voastră, să sar cu voi pe fereastră
Să nu trag vreo'nvăţătură, totul doar o'nvârtitură,
Om într'o adunătură, blocat în adâncitură
Să mai trag o căzătură, să nu mai dau de căldură.
Doar că nu mai sunt o chioară, nici nu am rămas o cioară
Eu sunt şoim, nu geamandură; cu voi n'am vreo legătură!



~ part 3 ~

I don't give a damn to know who I am,
Or be like them: ashes against the grain
To think the same and be lost in the rain
I'm not like Kain or just another Lain.

Do you think my resistance is in vain
Just because this is your complex damn game?

You already know that I don't need fame
Or something else just in order to tame
The ones that will not accept your true name
Who will eventually destroy your game.

Still think that my resistance is in vain
Just because this is our complex damn game?

You gave them fake roads then make them feel free
And now all you want is to make them agree
That they must help the other ones to see:
In their illusions it's a hell to be.

Do you think that I will let you use me
And be a part of your entire scheme?

You think I will regret defying you
Because I will screw everything I do
And then, with no more power to see through,
I will suffer seeing my life's review.

Still think I will allow you to use me
And become something worse than a banshee?

I don't give a damn to know who I am
I've had enough of this stupid exam,
I'm sick and tired to be their codemn
I'm just bored and dissappointed by them.

Can't you see I'm too bored of beeing Flame,
And I'm too tired for your stupid game?




The land of wind and fire,
There's my burning desire
Connected like a fire
The things that I admire.


The fire are those who dare
To be always at the height
For the ones about they care,
The lost light into the night.


The wind's kingdom made of light
Where the few ones see the sight,
The cursed ones feel its almight
As I once could in our fight.


You can see if I am right
If you look into your heart,
Find your spark into that park
See the wind, the fire's bright.


That's my road to Ianade,
I must leave Edania
Cut all bonds with Enadai
And leave behind Edanai.

The New One



De la o vreme nu mai vad nimic

Nu mai stiu nici cine imi e amic,

Totul pare ca mi'ar fi inamic,

Situatia dandu'mi un alt test sadic.

Prima Iluzie

Vreau un semn, chiar daca primesc sute

Vreau sa vorbesc dar vocea mi'e muta;

Vreau sa vad, dar deja vreau prea multe

Vreau sa gasesc cararea'mi pierduta.

A doua iluzie.

Nu pricep de ce sunt acum aici

Sau de ce imi par toti atat de mici;

De ce nu'mi place sa te vad cand piciC

hiar daca sunteti toti niste nemernici?

A treia iluzie

Pot sa vorbesc, dar am ales sa tac

Pot sa vad dar am ales sa n'o fac;

Pot pricepe, dar nici n'am incercat

Chiar si destinul poate fi sfidat.

Ultima Iluzie.

Pe false carari mi'am pierdut timpul,

Asteptand sa mai treaca anotimpul...

Prin iluzii eu mi'am pierdut simtul;

Prin iluzii nu mi'am pierdut timpul.



There is a place where someone once came,
Back then, no one even knew her new name
They all just started an innocent game
They didn't know, so they're not to blame
They didn't know what she did became
She was so different, yet she was the same
Little kids like the famous Boehm,
Who know nothing of what they claim
Just little kids lost for a fake fame,
Confused, lonely freaks, lost with no aim.

She's just a kid, she's just not a saint
No matter what you wanna see, it just ain't
All I can see it's that she feels my taint
But I know that I won't hear her sound of complaint
All I will get to see will be her faint,
But I know that I won't hear her sound of complaint
Even if I can feel that she feels my taint
All I'll get to see will be this bloody paint
Without her saying her sound of complaint
She'll will just cease under the sign of my taint.

She wanted to help, but how to explain
To a bunch of kids, what's in your brain?
She's just a new kid in this domain,
They don't know her, but she won't complain
Because in the end nothing was in vain,
Even when you don't have what to claim;
They all may say that she is insane
Or won't accept her how others sustain
But they can't see that they are all lame
No matter what, in that place she'll remain!



You thought you knew them all,

You knew you had no goal!

You said you're in your hall

But then they heard your call.

When you were lost into your mall,

When you were spinning like a ball;

When you thought you were way too tall

They came to save you from your fall.

They all went just through your wall,

Back then, when you were so small

When all you could do was crawl

They saved you, as I recall.


Spirit căzut în banal

Stai in satul tău natal
Care nici n-are canal
Şi te-amageşti într-un hal
Care-Å£i poate fi fatal.

Spirit căzut în banal,
Nu vezi cât eşti de penal?

Stai ÅŸi munceÅŸti ca un cal,
Când ai chef, mergi şi pe mal;
Lăsându-te dus de val,
Te faci praÅŸtie ca la bal.

Nu vezi cât eşti de penal,
Spirit căzut în banal?

Vrei să fii senzaţional,
ÃŽntr-un mediu infernal
Să devii tu "raţional"
Restul fiind doar hormonal!?

Chiar nu vezi că eşti penal,
Spirit căzut în banal???

Doar aici, la tribunal
Pot să văd într-un final:
N-ai nimic original,
Eşti ceva promoţional.

Păcat că te crezi alt baal,
Spirit, violet, cristal,
Spirit căzut în banal!

Nu e nimic personal,
Că n-al prins al meu semnal,
Åži ai luat al lor pumnal
Devenind alt criminal.

Spirit căzut în banal,
Tu vezi doar ce-i material...



~ part 1 ~

I still dream of our world,
Where only our art is perfect
Here, where it's imperfect to them;
Here, where imperfect means perfect.

I still remember that naive dream
Where there was no perfect;
No right, no wrong, no rules:
No me, no you, just art.

I still dream of that old world,
A place with no illusions:
Where I feel that I know and I know what I feel
Where the all is mind, and my universe is mental.

I want to feel, to understand, your universe and ITS
I want to see, to find my way
In this gay world of fear;
I want to know if me will be the Anti-Christ or God.

I want to see, to understand
But all this doesn't matter
Unless you share some of your experience
To those who really need it.

I've got nothing to prove,
To me or to another;
Just a lot of things to share
Even my lost brother.

I still dream of our world,
So easy to speak of...
I still dream of that world
Where you is me, and me is you...


Vise pe fereastră

Nu vrei să vezi, nu vrei să crezi
Că şi ei sunt ca tine, dar şi tu eşti ca ei
Vă rupeţi în figuri, şi c'un aer de vedetă
Zici că le ştii pe toate, iar restu's dobitoci.

Nu ÅŸtii ce vrei, dar totuÅŸi, vrei;
AÅŸa'Å£i pierzi vremea zi de zi,
Rătăcind pe'a ta cărare, injurând toţi ghizii
Că doar tu le ştii pe toate, iar restu's dobitoci.

Nu înleţegi, nu'ţi pasă
De ce e'n jurul tău, de tine sau de alţii
Dar nici n'ai încercat, poate doar declarativ
Hai, zi că mint, gunoaie, arată'mi că mă'nşel.

Ţi'ar plăcea asta, dar nu vrei cum vreau eu
Tu doar pentru orgoliu, eu pentru că te văd
Cum fugi de tine însuţi, cum fugi de fapt de toţi
Dar nu te poţi ascunde, că nu's toţi dobitoci.

Te văd şi poate'mi pasă, poate vreau să te ajut
Sau poate paranoia ta are dreptate, ÅŸi vreau de fapt opusu'
Haide, scoate măştile la'naintare, ego'ul şi toată trupa
Prin liberul tău arbitru, alegi să fii alt orb.

Nu vrei, ok, dar spune
Că noi ştim asta deja, o faci deci pentru tine
Dar atunci nu te mai plânge, nu te mai lamenta
C'arunci cu mâna ta, doar vise pe fereastră.


The Deal

Once upon a turning wheel,
I told someone I can heal;
Then we made a childish deal
That his heart won't be of steel.

I told him he should reveal
What's behind his goddamn seal;
He asked me "How would you feel
If you were the only eel?

If to them I were to squeal,
If to them I were to kneel,
If I'll tell them how I feel
I'll be turned into their meal!"

"All these things will just go spiel
And you'll just end as a veal,
Making all your hopes unreal
And you'll be just your own blood meal..."



Într'o lume îndoctrinată până'n gât
Într'o ţară populată de distruşi
ÃŽntr'un oraÅŸ destul de futut
Se pendula.

Mai contează?
AÅŸa credeam ÅŸi eu.

Într'o zi de vară
Pe o stradă dubioasă rău
Fără nimeni, nici măcar propria'i umbră
Se plimba.

Cine măi, cine???
AÅŸa credeam ÅŸi eu.

La un moment dat se opreÅŸte
Se uită în stânga, în dreapta
Vede diverÅŸi, fiecare prins cu problemele lui
Dar nu se uită în spate.

N'am timp de poveşti nemuritoare copile, spune'mi o dată ce vrei şi dispari !
De ce aÅŸ face asta?
Pentru că mă enervezi!
Aşa, şi...? Mă vei asculta până la capăt, pentru că tu VREI să mă asculţi.

Fiecare era atât de prins în ale lui,
Încât nici nu l'au observat când a trecut pe lângă ei.
Când s'a băgat în seamă cu vreunul, vrând să ajute
A fost în cele din urmă alungat, auzind vrute şi nevrute.

După o anumită perioadă de timp
Şi'a întors din nou privirea în faţă,
A pornit din nou pe drumul său
Vazându'şi în continuare de propria'i viaţă.

Cei pe care i'a lăsat în urmă
Au rămas prinşi în problemele lor
Neputând să vadă că rezolvarea
Şi orice altceva este doar în mintea lor.

Unii se vedeau adulţi,
Alţii puneau unul altuia diverse etichete
Judecând totul fără să înţeleagă nimic,
Batând pasul pe loc, sau înaintând în vidu' vieţii lor.

Vorbind multe, că doar nu te doare gura să vorbeşti
Făcând puţine, că deh', pentru asta există scuze
Jucându'se cu tot ce le pică în mână
Copilul îi vedea pe ceilalţi aşa cum sunt: doar alţi copii.

Aşa începe o poveste, iar alta se sfârşeşte;
Asta doar continuă, la fel ca până acum
Copilu' fiind mai mare, copilu' fiind copil,
Cu liberu' arbitru, contestat de toţi.

Ai terminat ?
Acum binevoieşti să taci din gură?
De ce !?
Nu pot. De fapt, nu vreau.

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