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> your quote of the day is ...

post Mar 22 2005, 08:46 PM
Post #101

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Am I to believe in every absurdity? If not, why this one in particular?
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post Mar 22 2005, 10:54 PM
Post #102

Fighter in the Wind
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Incearca sa nu fii un om de succes ci un om de valoare!
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post Mar 27 2005, 01:19 PM
Post #103

dreaming my life away...

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"Desigur, din pricina ca suntem astfel alcatuiti incat comparam intr-una orice cu noi insine si pe noi insine cu orice, fericirea sau nenorocirea stau in lucrurile cu care venim in atingere si, prin urmare, nimic nu e mai primejdios decat singuratate. Inchipuirea nostra[...] isi creeaza o serie de fiinte printre care noi suntem cei mai de jos; astfel, totul in afara noastra ni se pare mai frumos si oricare altul decat noi ni se pare mai desavarsit. Deseori simtim ca ne lipsesc multe si ni se pare ca altul are tocmai ce ne lipseste; acestuia ii atribuim si ce avem noi si, pe langa asta, si o anumita tihna ideala. Dimpotriva, cand cu tozta slabiciunea si necazurile noastre muncim cu temei, atunci vedem adesea ca facem cu hoinareala si ocolurile noastre mai mult decat fac altii care plutesc cu panzele intinse si vaslesc din rasputeri."---GOETHE ("Suferintele tanarului Werther")

Cu dedicatie pt Urfe care intreba ceva de genul "voi oameni n-ati citit carti?".... :P
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post Mar 27 2005, 10:47 PM
Post #104

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/^_^ "Exista momente in viata cand totul pare inevitabil. Si totusi, cand te astepti mai putin, apare cineva, ceva, nebanuit, inexplicabil... Salvare? Un personaj dubios iti respira necontenit in ceafa... Uneori ii simti prezenta, urmezi impulsurile... alteori, ignori si respingi ceea ce este evident... Niciodata nu stii cu siguranta daca cel ce se afla in preajma ta este langa tine ca sa te ajute sau ca sa te incurce. Poate putin din fiecare... Poate acea prezenta invizibila este menita sa te testeze... Vei putea face fatza? Cateodata ai acest sentiment de simetrie perfecta, o sincronizare a evenimentelor si lucrurilor suparator de evidenta, ingrozitor de persistenta... Atunci realitatea parca doare... Nu poti sa ignori si nu poti sa respingi... Fatalitatea... Ea sperie cel mai tare... Fiecare pas iti este coordonat intr-o oarecare masura de acel personaj, care te asteapta mereu cu un zambet enigmatic, sau poate cinic, la una dintre rascrucile care ti-au fost rezervate, plasata in necunoscut... Ce ai sa alegi? Ce ai sa faci? Ah, dar umbra stie... Stie prea bine, de la inceput, din prima clipa, ce drum vei urma, carui sir de evenimente te vei lasa prada, fara sa iti dai seama... Si te lasa, nepasator, sa-ti urmezi calea, fie ca optiunea ta este cea corecta, este cea adecvata, este cea constructiva, sau nu.... Finalul se stie...."

(fragment din "Citadela" de Antoine de Saint-Exupery)
PS: Cu dedicatie speciala pentru Urfe si Jory care au vrut sa trezeasca in noi spiritul elitist.... :P
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post Mar 28 2005, 09:58 AM
Post #105

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"In this arid wilderness of steel and stone, I rise up my voice that you may hear. To the East and to the West I beckon. To the North and to the South I show a sign of proclaming: Death to the Weakling, Wealth to the Strong!!!! "

(Fire - The infernal Diatribe - chapter I statement 1)

Fara dedicatie.
Sorry pt incalcarea legii ooo mighty one : ))))
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post Mar 28 2005, 10:10 AM
Post #106

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I'm in a Dorothy Parker mood again (cre' ca e singura poezie pe care o citesc) so...

"I don't care what is written about me so long as it isn't true."

si fostul meu sig:
"My land is bare of chattering folk;
the clouds are low along the ridges,
and sweet's the air with curly smoke
from all my burning bridges."

si favorita mea:

"Razors pain you; Rivers are damp;
Acid stain you; And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren't lawful; Nooses give;
Gas smells awful; You might as well live."

oh, si... cum se zice? ah, DE-Di-CA-TIE:

"To-night my love is sleeping cold
Where none may see and none shall pass.
The daisies quicken in the mould,
And richer fares the meadow grass.

The warding cypress pleads the skies,
The mound goes level in the rain.
My love all cold and silent lies ---
Pray God it will not rise again!"



kaoru, nu-mi vine sa cred din ce ai citat! chiar vroiam sa dau ceva din Air aici - capitolul ala e preferatul meu, doar ca... e pe hard, acasa... si eu nu. damn luck. :)
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post Mar 28 2005, 10:36 AM
Post #107

Forever dreaming, forever searching, forever waiting
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? Scriai undeva ca ti se pare firesc ca, dandu-le celorlalti carti pe care sa le citeasca, sa gasesti tu insuti raspunsurile pe care le cauti.
    ? Am spus asta in una din predicile mele.
    ? Dar oare, procedand astfel, acela care scrie carti nu-si condamna discipolii la a-i calca pe urme? Nu le induce el oare acelasi soi de intrebari care-l muncesc si pe el insusi?
    ? Sunt carti care creeaza discipoli. Sunt carti care aduc cunoasterea. Poti tu sa decizi care sunt mai bune?  
Dan Dobos - \"Trilogia Abatiei\"

Ador seria :)
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post Mar 29 2005, 11:43 AM
Post #108

Forever dreaming, forever searching, forever waiting
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When his life was ruined, his family killed, his farm destroyed, Job knelt down on the ground and yelled up to the heavens, "Why god? Why me?" and the thundering voice of God answered, "There's just something about you that pisses me off."
- Stephen King
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post Mar 29 2005, 03:06 PM
Post #109

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ok, citatul din Air:

"Satanism represents a form of controlled selfishness. This does not mean that you never do anything for anyone else. If you do something to make someone for whom you care happy, his happiness will give you a sense of gratification."

si inca ceva din Fire:

"I question all things. As I stand before the festering and varnished facades of your haughtiest moral dogmas, I write thereon in letters of blazing scorn: Lo and behold; all this is fraud!" (II.2)
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post Mar 29 2005, 04:04 PM
Post #110

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"Blessed is the man who has a sprinkling of enemies, for they shall make him a hero -- Cursed is he who does good unto others who sneer upon him in return, for he shall be despised!" (V.10)
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post Mar 29 2005, 06:42 PM
Post #111

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"There are no categories of Satanists -- there are Satanists and nuts.... I would divide Satanic *poseurs* into several groups. These are specific tags *we* employ to identify someone who might not grasp the concept fully yet. There are various Subjective Satanists, who agree with the philosophy only to the extent that it can be used to condone their particular fetish.... There are Rock and Roll Satanists, who only know the kind of Satanism sung about by pop stars....

"Then there are the Christian Satanists, defined as those who are attracted to the iconography of Satanism but can't seem to break away from Christianity's definitions. They continue to work within a primitive framework of Good Vs. Evil, taking the part of Evil instead of Good. They rebel against Christianity, but using the same rules. They may know no more of Satanism than what they see on record jackets. It's a last-ditch effort to preserve their belief system."

Anton LaVey (quoted in _The Church of Satan_, by Blanche Barton, pp 70-1.)

kaoru, predicam?! :shock:

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post Mar 29 2005, 09:26 PM
Post #112


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There is never time inuff to do it right, but there is always time do do it again!
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post Mar 29 2005, 10:40 PM
Post #113

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Just live the moment and you won't regret it later.... :wink:
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post Mar 30 2005, 12:32 PM
Post #114

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""Love One Another" it has been said is the Supreme Law, but what power mad it so? Upon what rational authority does the Gospel o Love rest? Why should I not Hate mine Enemies--if I "love" them does that not place Me at their mercy?" (III.1)

"You cannot love everyone; it is ridiculous to think you can. If you love everyone and everything you lose your natural powers of selection and wind up being a pretty poor judge of character and quality. If anything is used too freely it loses its true meaning. Therefore, you should love strongly and completely those who deserve your love, and never turn the other cheek to your enemy." (Love and Hate)

PS: eu nu predic nimic
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post Mar 30 2005, 03:43 PM
Post #115

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/^_^ "Astfel, din varful turnului cel mai inalt al cetatii mele am descoperit ca nici suferinta, nici moartea, nici doliul nu sunt de plans. Caci cei disparuti, daca memoria lor este venerata, sunt mult mai prezenti si mai puternici decat cei vii. Am inteles teama oamenilor si i-am plans fiindca ei nu au inteles. Mi-e mila de acei singuratici care se trezesc in miezul noptii crezandu-se adapostiti sub stele, dar simt in continuu nesiguranta calatoriilor si pribegiilor lor. Condamn nelinistea care impinge oamenii la crima, fiindca am invatat sa citesc in sufletul lor si stiu ca nu-i salvezi scapandu-i de mizerie. Abisul in care se afunda este mult prea adanc. Acesti oameni se insala crezand ca ravnesc bunurile altora. Aceasta ravna nu se adreseaza decat unei lumini puternice pe care nu o vor dobandi niciodata...Oamenii neputinciosi merg din sclipire in sclipire, facand lucruri inutile. Ei arunca in focul orgoliului faptele lor neinsemnate si se hranesc cu cenusa iluzorie pe care au pradat-o..."

(fragment din "Citadela" de Antoine de Saint-Exupery) :wink:
PS: Aceasta carte este "biblia" mea... Inca invat multe recitind-o.
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post Mar 30 2005, 03:51 PM
Post #116

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kaoru, just kidding. :)

and now for smth different

"Beyond the erotic, the vampire, or those possessing Vampyric qualities, is a hero because it is s/he who makes and administers her/his own Laws. Vampyres are without masters. Their ethical standards, while embracing time-honoured traditions, practices, and the laws of the land, extend beyond the normal veils of society. Life, death, and all states of existence in between, are being constantly redefined by the Vampyre. It's obvious that many people could find this element attractive. The vampire is a perfect response to any authority figure who is uninspired, unintelligent, and generally unmoving. It may be argued that many traditional figures in authority -- whether family, law, or as part of a company's hierarchical structure -- are not this way. To those who are capable of sustaining their Balance, the Vampyre tips his cowl! To the others, it poses a dilemma and threat. And the threat emanates in their minds, not in the Vampyre's. The vampire is in control. Most of us admire this fact if for no other reason than that for us, some degree of effort is required, from time to time, to maintain control! Yet the vampyre simply, and elegantly, dances around issues of self-control. If he loses his temper, it is a conscious act. If the vampire decides to, she can experience the depths of emotions; or choose to ignore them unilaterally. If for no other reason, the Vampyre is a cult(ure) hero because it brazenly makes a statement like this: 'Existence for me has become meaningful. It is my Will that I shall survive the physical inactivity of what we know as death. I am Alive now, and will continue to be Alive while exploring the arenas which are now, or will be, within my grasp.' Finally, in the vampire there exists power ... or at least the illusion of power. Many will not recognize, nor care, whether the power is illusory."
Robert Neilly
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post Mar 30 2005, 05:22 PM
Post #117


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"After coming into contact with a religious man I always feel I must wash my hands."
Friedrich Nietzsche

"Ask her to wait a moment - I am almost done."
Carl Friedrich Gauss in timp ce lucra,cand a fost informat ca sotia sa este pe moarte

"My occupation now, I suppose, is jail inmate."
- Unibomber Theodore Kaczynski, cand a fost intrebat in tribunal ce ocupatie are
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post Mar 30 2005, 06:34 PM
Post #118

your Worst Nightmare

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Nu regreata ceea ce ai facut, regreta ceea ce nu ai facut...
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post Mar 31 2005, 02:00 PM
Post #119

Technical Oni

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"They missunderestimated me!" - George W. Bush.
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post Mar 31 2005, 04:25 PM
Post #120

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Two things are infinite in this world:the universe and human stupidity
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