
- Keep sente in the opening. A premature attack loses sente.

- Make a fist before striking.

-- Jay H. Kim.

- Grab the border point between two moyos.

- Don't get surrounded! Ever!

- Thickness? Ladders always work! [or don't work if it belongs to your opponent!]

- Groups mustn't float.

- Never be too sure about your plan, and always doubt your ability to kill your opponent's stones.

-- zhong-pu liu, 1078 AD

- In the opening, when you don't know what to play, make a shimari.

-- jansteen.

- 5 lines for extension in front of shimari

-- Yang Yilun, 7 dan pro.


- Keep sente in the opening. A premature attack loses sente.

- Grab the shape points as kikashi.

- With less than 15 stones in danger, tenuki.


- Keep sente in the opening. A premature attack loses sente.

- Make a fist before striking.

-- Jay H. Kim.

- Defend weak groups, not strong groups.

- White is always trying to kill a bigger group than black is trying to save.

- Make your own groups strong first, then attack.

- The book says don't fight (The pen is mightier than the sword). But what else can be expected from a book (written by a pen)?

- The semeai where only one player has an eye is a fight over nothing.

- There are times when even a fight over nothing means something.

- If there is a ko inside a semeai, capture it on the final play.

- Knight's moves win running battles.

- When your opponent has two weak groups, attack them both at once.

- Fill in a semiai from the outside.

- Use the Knight's move to attack, the 1-point jump to defend.

- Attack two weak groups simultaneously.

- Sacrifice for shape.

- When in doubt, remove the enemy stones from the board.

-- Bill Taylor

- Don't reduce your own liberties.

-- Bill Taylor

- Don't defend - extend!

-- Bill Taylor

- Those who are good at winning, don't usually fight.

-- zhang, 1078 AD

- Those who are good at making shape don't usually fight.

-- zhang, 1078 AD

- Never be too sure about your plan, and always doubt your ability to kill your opponent's stones.

-- zhong-pu liu, 1078 AD

- Fighting must not be the key to go, it should be reserved as your last resource.

-- zhong-pu liu, 1078 AD

- In opponents' sphere of influence, avoid sharp conflict, don't move too deep

-- Otake Hideo, 9 dan pro


- Sacrifice for shape.


- Do not fear furikawari.


- Be a little patient. Keshi works!

- To invade, need 20 points in open area; otherwise, keshi is best.

-- Yang Yilun, 7 dan pro.


- Always remember, keep the balance (between territory and influence).

- Thickness? Ladders always work! [or don't work if it belongs to your opponent!]

- If one player chooses influence, the other player may choose territory, and vice versa.

- To reduce an opponent's large prospective territory, strike at the shoulder.

- If you plan to live inside enemy territory, play directly against his stones.

- There is no territory in the centre.

- When your opponent is thick, you must also become thick.

-- Otake Hideo, 9 dan pro

- In opponents' sphere of influence, avoid sharp conflict, don't move too deep

-- Otake Hideo, 9 dan pro

- Use a wall to attack, not to make territory.

- There is a thin line between thick and slow.

-- jansteen.

Joseki/' whole board'

- When you study joseki, you lose two stones in strength.

- Go is essentially aform of harmony. Go in the 21st century will have to be go of the 'harmony of the six points - the four quarters, the above and the below.' As in life we will need to view the whole rather than the part. Japanese go has focused too heavily on the local (joseki) rather than the whole for 300 years. The reason the Chinese and Koreans are overtaking the Japanese is that they are closer to achieving this whole-board view.

--- Go Seigen, 9 dan pro, 1994.


- In the opening, when you don't know what to play, make a shimari.

-- jansteen.

- 5 lines for extension in front of shimari

-- Yang Yilun, 7 dan pro.


- Grab the shape points as kikashi.

- Don't make empty triangles.

- Don't make compact groups of stones.

- Answer the keima with a kosumi.

- Add one stone, then sacrifice both.

- The saki bottle shape is negative.

- Connect with good shape.

- Sacrifice for shape.

- Those who are good at making shape don't usually fight.

-- zhang, 1078 AD


- If you have one stone on the third line, add another, then abandon both of them.

- Add one stone, then sacrifice both.

- Sacrifice for shape.

Puncte vitale

- The enemy's vital point is your own.

- 2-1 is the vital point in the corner.


- Five liberties for tactical stability.

- Don't play on dame points, but guarantee connections.

- A basic: Don't push too hard.

-- jansteen.

- If a formation is symmetrical, play at the center.

- Against three in a row, play right in the center.

- At the head of two stones in a row, play hane.

- At the head of three stones in a row, play hane.

- Shoulder connections, hanging connections, and knight's move connections.

- Beware of the clumsy double contact.

- Don't play in direct contact with the opponent's stone caught in your squeeze-play.

- If your stone is capped, play the knight's move.

- Don't make a play adjacent to a cutting-point.

- Capture what you cut off.

- Never try to cut bamboo joints.

- Add one stone, then sacrifice both.

- Don't disturb symmetry.


- Dead group? Always win ko fights!

- On the second line six die, eight live.

- On the third line, four die, six live.

- In the corner, five stones in a row on the third line are alive.

- Six eyes in a rectangle are alive.

- For rectangular six in the corner, dame is necessary.

- If there is no stone on the handicap point, the carpenter's square is dead.

- There is death in the hane.

- Strange things happen at the one-two points.


- Learn the eye-stealing tesuji.

- Know the eye-stealing tesuji.


- Shoulder connections, hanging connections, and knight's move connections.

- Connect with good shape.

- From a cross-cut, extend.

- Grab the 4th point of the bamboo joint. -- Bill Taylor

- A knight's move near the edge of the board cannot be cut.

-- Bill Taylor

- Keep your own stones connected, and your opponent's apart.

-- Bill Taylor


- Beware of the clumsy double contact.

- Don't play in direct contact with the opponent's stone caught in your squeeze-play.


- Dead group? Always win ko fights!

- The carpenter's square becomes ko.

Pozitie a partidei

- Don't count territory held by only one eye!

- If you have lost four corners, resign.

- If you have won four corners, resign.

- With only one group, you will win.

- When in a winning position, keep the game simple; Make it complex only when losing.

- If White takes all four corners, Black should resign; if Black takes all four corners, Black should also resign.

-- David Kent

Fel de jucare

- Play slow, win slow; play fast, lose fast.

- Do not make moves that strengthen your opponent!

- In an unreasonable situation, an unreasonable move is reasonable.

-- Tamino.

- If you cannot succeed, then die gloriously.

-- Chinese proverb.

- Don't get surrounded! Ever!

- Those who are good at winning, don't usually fight.

-- zhang, 1078 AD

- Seek small gains but incur big losses.

- Don't be greedy!

- When in a winning position, keep the game simple; Make it complex only when losing.

Valoare a mutarii

- Keshi is worth as much as an invasion!

- The simplest move is the best move.

- Pon-nuki is worth thirty points.

- One point in the center is worth ten in the corner.

- Each step in a ladder is worth 7 points.

Mutare buna/proasta

- The simplest move is the best move.

profesionisti vs. amatori (jucaturi puternici vs. jucatori slabi)- Only amateurs try to come up with "fancy" moves.

- The poor player plays the opponent's game for him.

- The strong player plays straight, the weak diagonally.

- The weak player fears ko, the strong player seeks it.

-- Bill Taylor

- Proverbs do not apply to White. -- Tero Sand

- Those who are good at winning, don't usually fight.

-- zhang, 1078 AD

- If White takes all four corners, Black should resign; if Black takes all four corners, Black should also resign.

-- David Kent