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QUOTE(Muza chan @ Jan 17 2009, 08:27 PM)
Apropo de stormtrooper, stiu ca esti fan Star Wars, te-ar tenta asa ceva?

Sunt fan Star Wars intr-adevar si am cateva Star Wars collectibles 1:1, insa acesta nu se va numara printre ele. Colectionez doar Original Trilogy Imperials, cu foarte mici exceptii. Pe de alta parte review-urile plaseaza aceasta statuie ca fiind total neinspirata, fanii devotati ai Star Wars preferand alte lucruri cu aceasta suma wink.gif

Pentru cei care doresc cateva figurine Star Wars 1/6 (12" sau cca 30cm) le-as recomanda Sideshow Darth Vader, Stormtrooper, Sandtrooper, Obi-Wan, Luke Skywalker, 1/4 Premium Format Leia Slave, Diplomatic Mission Diorama, eFX Clonetrooper helmet 1:1 (eu am Stormtrooper eFX) sau noul Predator 1 de la Hot Toys smile.gif

PS. Poate nu ar fi rau sa avem un thread pentru figurine non-anime, unde sa intre alte serii precum Star Wars, Batman, Spider-Man, Indiana Jones, Predator, Terminator, Lord of the Rings etc., pentru a nu le amesteca aici:)

Muza chan
PS. Poate nu ar fi rau sa avem un thread pentru figurine non-anime, unde sa intre alte serii precum Star Wars, Batman, Spider-Man, Indiana Jones, Predator, Terminator, Lord of the Rings etc., pentru a nu le amesteca aici:)

Foarte buna idee smile.gif

Exista o cantitate enorma de figurine care s-au realizat de-a lungul timpului, in cei 45 de ani de cand a aparut prima figurina (action figure) G.I. Joe. S-au realizat figurine cu personaje din comics, jocuri, seriale tv, filme, iar unele sunt adevarate opere de arta, ca acest Don Vito Corleone.
Hot Toys au produse de cea mai inalta calitate
Enterbay Mr. Bean 1/6 figure cool.gif

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30cm /16 scale
Realistic facial likeness of Rowan Atkinson as Mr Bean
Interchangeable 360 eyeball system
Tailor-made ‘Bean’ outfit
EM-1 body
6 posing hands
The one and only ‘Teddy’!
Matching briefcase
FS-100 figure stand
Certificate of Authenticity card with Enterbays renowned newly designed and developed packaging
kun san
biggrin.gif I-au prins expresia perfect!
Dar mi se pare mie, sau capul este un pic cam mare fata de restul corpului?
QUOTE(kun san @ Jan 21 2009, 10:05 AM)
biggrin.gif I-au prins expresia perfect!
Dar mi se pare mie, sau capul este un pic cam mare fata de restul corpului?

Se poate wink.gif , Hot Toys au facut cativa Predators cu capul mare insa acolo exact asa erau in filme.
Muza chan
Eu sunt foarte pretentioasa in legatura cu statuetele cu personaje reale... Dar cel mai cool presedinte imi place asa de tare ca ma bate gandul sa-l iau. smile.gif
Mie nu mi se pare ca i-au surprins expresia chiar asa de bine, there's something wrong with his smile.
Muza chan
Acum cateva zile vroiam sa-l iau, dar acum cand am vazut fotografii detaliate mi se pare slab. sad.gif
QUOTE(Muza chan @ Jan 21 2009, 11:14 AM)
Eu sunt foarte pretentioasa in legatura cu statuetele cu personaje reale... Dar cel mai cool presedinte imi place asa de tare ca ma bate gandul sa-l iau.  smile.gif

Gamu Toys Obama Action Figure

And fighting RAH Vader laugh.gif

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kun san
New pics with Hot Toys Don Corleone:
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More here. cool.gif
Sideshow 1:1 Combat Veteran Endoskeleton (Endoskull) T-800 bust - Terminator 2

Acest bust e in marime naturala 1:1

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Muza chan
Bine realizat... dar nu l-as tine in casa... laugh.gif E atat de real... as avea impresia ca o sa miste... laugh.gif

Pe aceeasi tema: 1/6 scale Terminator Factory - T-700 diorama Masterpiece Series de la Hot Toys.

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QUOTE(Muza chan @ Feb 5 2009, 02:50 PM)
Bine realizat... dar nu l-as tine in casa... laugh.gif E atat de real... as avea impresia ca o sa miste...  laugh.gif

Exact asa a spus si prietena mea, biggrin.gif m-a rugat sa nu-i aprind ochii daca se aflea ea prin zona. LOL icon_twisted.gif

Desktop wallpaper 1024x768:

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kun san
Dantura imperfecta e cireasa de pe tort! Oare o fi modelata dupa dantura lui Shwarzenegger? biggrin.gif
Interesant, probabil..
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kun san
Scuze pentru ignoranta, dar ce este obiectul din ultima poza?

PS. favorita mea e cea cu fesul wink.gif
QUOTE(kun san @ Feb 12 2009, 01:14 PM)
Scuze pentru ignoranta, dar ce este obiectul din ultima poza?

Acela este Endoskelleton chip. Acel chip se poate scoate din capul endoskeletonului si il poti expune separat. Ochii se aprind (este un buton on/off in spate), iar cand ii stingi au efect de fade out exact ca in T1 cand Terminatorul e zdrobit de acea presa hidraulica de catre Sarah Connor.
Muza chan
Interesant wink.gif ... mi-au placut in special soldateii...

Abia acum am observat, e weathered... smile.gif still scares me... laugh.gif

Pentru fanii WoW: am observat aparitia seriei a 5-a.
QUOTE(Muza chan @ Feb 15 2009, 05:48 PM)

Abia acum am observat, e weathered...  smile.gif   still scares me...  laugh.gif

Da, e varianta combat
Muza chan
Ceva tentant: Alan "Dutch" Schaefer de la Hot Toys smile.gif
HCG 1:2 Terminator Endoskull bust at Razor's Edge - limited edition 300

Terminator T-800 Endoskeleton Battle Damaged 1:2 Scale Endoskull Bust Prop Replica.

A Razor's Edge Collectibles Exclusive

Razor's Edge Collectibles has partnered up with Hollywood Collector's Gallery to bring you another great Terminator Collectible.
The T-800 Endoskeleton Battle Damaged 1:2 Scale Endoskull Bust features Light Up Eyes and a Light Up Front Name Plate.
Push Button Power Switch Conveniently Located in the back of the Endoskull.
Requires 2 x AAA Batteries (Included).
The Bust Features a Removable CPU Brain Chip (Held in by Magnets).
Includes a Display Stand, Acrylic Cover and Hand Numbered Certificate of Authenticity.
Bust is made out of Resin and is Chrome Plated with Realistic Battle Damage.

Product Specifications:
License: Terminator
Product Type: 1:2 Scale Head Bust
Product Size: 7 Inches Tall (17.8 cm)
Product Weight: 2.20 lbs (1.0 kg)*
Est. Shipping Box Size: 10.5" Tall (26.67 cm) x 9.25" Wide (23.49 cm) x 8" Deep (20.32 cm)*
Est. Product Ship Weight: 6.00 lbs (2.72 Kg)
Manufactured by: Hollywood Collector's Gallery
Distributed by: Razor's Edge Collectibles
This item is a Limited Edition Size of Only 300 Pieces Produced Worldwide.
This item is due out 2nd Quarter 2009.

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Star Wars Master Replicas AT-AT Imperial Walker Signature Edition (693/750):

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• Personally signed by Phil Tippett, one of the animators who brought the AT-AT to life.
• The All Terrain Armored Transport—the gigantic four-legged transport and combat vehicle used to assault rebel ground troops—was recreated from the original studio models used in Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back.
• Like the original, this replica’s head and body are cast from high-quality resin. To ensure intricate detail and durability, many of the fine parts have been reproduced from injection molded plastic. The legs are made from solid, high-strength thermo-plastics and die-cast metal for long term durability.
• Each model is comprised of over 230 separate parts!
• Comes with a custom snow covered display base, featuring a crashed snow speeder, numbered plaque, and certificate of authenticity.
• Includes an exclusively designed expanded prop story and AT-AT screen shot.
• Product Dimensions: 27 x 22 x 11 inches
• Shipping Weight: 55 pounds
Muza chan
Imi place... mai ales snowspeeder-ul avariat si ingropat in zapada. smile.gif
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