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Full Version: Official Announcement : Slayers Revolution
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Avand in vedere ca e cam lesinat forumul mam gandit sa va aduc some BIG NEWS si sa mai aduc niste viata pe aici.

A venit o pasarica acu cateva ore si ma anuntat ca apare noua serie Slayers.Primul episod va aparea pe 03.07.2008 adica joi. In momentul de fata nu se stie cate episoade va avea dar se presupune ca vor fi 26.

Anuntul oficial suna cam asa:
The May issue (released on March 19) of Fujimi Shobo's Dragon Magazine has announced the official title of the upcoming fourth anime television series in the Slayers fantasy comedy franchise: Slayers Revolution. The announcement also hinted , but not stated, that the character Xellos will be the main character instead of the popular female lead Lina. A major announcement will be made in Dragon Magazine's July issue, which goes on sale on May 20. (Dragon Magazine has moved to a bimonthly schedule starting this month.) Dragon Magazine published Hajime Kanzaka's original light novels that started the franchise.

P.S. Primul volum manga din Slayers Revolution a fost deja publicat.
dar reloaded a fost?
Mai putin de 4 zile, plus inca o ora pentru subat. La ce ora apare joi?

Vestea din martie o mai fost pe forum, intre timp n-or confirmat partea cu Xellos. We'll just wait and see.

Primul episod din Slayers Revolution il puteti lua de aici: (imi cer scuze daca a mai fost postat link-ul)
Yey^.^Merita sa fie continuat anime-ul.Acum poate se vor gandi si la Inuyasha sa il continuie avand in vedere ca manga is over:)
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