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Full Version: Final Fantasy Vii Dirge Of Cerberus
Anime-Club Forum > Non-Anime > Games > Action Games
Nush daca poate fi numit film, sau trailer...dar sigur poate fi numit spoiler!
Chiar daca producatorii am mentzionat din prima ca "This footage does not spoil the story of the game, and if you want to understand more of the plot, then play the game!"...daca ce vedetzi in film nu se catalogheaza ca ma impushc!
Cate ceva despre "film" pentru cei care nu l-au vazut inca: 35 de minute, cam putzin...dar daca stau sa ma gandesc, s-a cam incadrat; Intro dragutz, sau asha zici prima oara cand il fapt sunt secventze din film, a doua oara cand il vezi nu mai are aceelashi efect! Incepe chiar cum se termina FF7 jocu, Yuffie si Vincent evacueaza Midgar-ul! Vincent se duce sa mai cerceteze Mako Cannon-ul, si il gaseste pe Hojo (?!?!), oricum, atunci platforma este lovita de un fulger si vedem aceea faza cu "3 years later"! smile.gif Prima jumatate de film este un ghiveci de secventze cu ce mai fac eroii si o scurta povestioara in care aflam ce se intampla cu o planeta dupa ce moare. Apoi the fun part!
[SPOILER] Vechea gasca din FF7 impreuna cu o armata de "mercerari" (sau ce or fi) se pregatesc de un atac asupra Midgarului! Cloud, Berret si Tifa pe pamant in timp ce Cid, Vince si Yuffie din aer! Ce urmeaza e o lupta in cel mai pur stil Star Wars...super mishto! Printre inamici se numara si "the Deep Ground Soldiers" care le creeaza nishte probleme! De aici filmu sare la aparitzia Omega Weapon-ului si bataia lui Vince in forma lui de Chaos cu acesta! Finalul va las pe voi sa-l descoperitzi! [END OF SPOILER]
Ce pot spune, frumos filmu, dar parca ai impresia ca vezi filmele care ar deschide si care ar urma dupa o lupta importanta din joc; sunt curios daca producatorii s-au tzinut de cuvant si nu ne-au dat nici un spoiler. In rest, e cam tot cea cu ce ne-am obishnuit din Advent Children, un pic altel.
Recomand acest film tuturor fanilor Final Fantasy si nu numai! cool.gif
dude, there is no dirge of cerberus movie

u ai vazut probabil vreun trailer al jocului...
probabil fmv-uri din timpul jocului... anyway pt lamuriri pune mana d citejte urmatorul comunicat oficial d presa:

Three years after the events of FINAL FANTASY® VII, an unknown group of seemingly unstoppable soldiers appears, bringing a swift and bitter end to the peace enjoyed by the people of the world. The members of this enigmatic group are the ones who were trapped under the ruins of Midgar for three long years—the Deepground soldiers. Vincent Valentine finds himself pursued by several elite members of the mysterious Deepground organization. An unrelenting chain of events leads Vincent to the truth behind his past—and forces him once again to be the key player in a battle for the planet itself and all those living on it.

Just what is the connection between Vincent's past and the recent attacks? When the world is engulfed in darkness, his gun will toll a dreadful dirge...

DIRGE of CERBERUS™ will be released Summer 2006. The ship date will be announced at a later time. This title is rated "T" for Teen by the ESRB.

Remember kids: DoC is a game.. there is no spoon..ahem, movie tongue.gif
ala e intro la ff7doc..ala c mi l-ai trimis pe cd shu...ff tare intro....vincent has a cool voice...a cool cell phone....yuffie has a nice ass:P Kalm looks great biggrin.gif....da arma lui vincent ii prea tare:P
Ce cauta un topic despre un joc la anime? dry.gif sa ziceti mersi
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