Pentru ca nu am ce face. Eu joc cu Egypt aici, pentru ca Minuni, cat mai multe, toate daca se poate. biggrin.gif


Caesar's Fall - A Civ 5 story

Caesar of Rome looked at his maps and fretted.
It wasn't the first time he did so, and if the past 50 years or so were to be believed it wouldn't be the last time either, yet this time, this time it felt differently, this time, there might not be a next time. But that train of thought was also too common by now. He had no reason to believe something was coming, except his gut, and his gut had played tricks on him before.

After all the Egyptian forces on his borders had been there for so long that one could be forgiven for thinking there never was a time when there were not Egyptian forces massed at the borders. And they've done nothing since, well, since forever. They've modernized at an alarming rate, and they've been heavily reinforced for a while but then nothing, no attack, no invasion not even a punitive raid like the last and only confrontation between the 2 rival powers.

That had, of course been a scary time to live, Ramses, fresh from his conquest of the south (Romes east) had decided Rome had bullied the free cities that Egypt was guaranteeing once too many and needed to be punished, at the time Caesar hadn't know of that part of the war, he'd just assumed that Egypt was aiming to conquer the Roman Empire like they had recently done with Ethyopia, which had been reduced from a large nation to a single tiny city in the north, allowed to survived by the mercy of Ramses along side another victim of Egypt, the last city of the Iroquois.

The Egyptians had launched an attack on 2 fronts, one aimed at Rome and one at Cumae in the north (Ravenna did not exist then), but it quickly became clear the Rome wasn't a target, there was no infantry or siege equipment on that front, only cavalry laying waste to the country side. That left Cumae as the likely target, and the presence of Egyptian musketeers at it's gates (at the time, brand new and highly advanced tech) had reinforced the idea: The cavalry pillaging around Rome was a faint, a distraction, meant to draw the legions away from Cumae, whois captured would have opened the way to the western countinent for the Egyptians (Ondni was Zulu at the time). As such the legions were deployed in the hills and forest of Cumae and were thrown into a bloody counter-attack that drove the Egyptian back, in the narrow front even the Egyptian muskets had struggled and some units had almost been destroyed before they retreated . But the north had been the faint, or that was what the Egyptians had claimed after the peace treaty, the north was narrow, easily defended, and further more they had no desire for conquest, which is why, by the time the Egyptians retreated the countryside around Rome was devastated, with the bulk of Rome's legions in the north the Egyptians cavalry had swept past Rome burning and pillaging, destroying countless years of work and improvements.

He himself believed that now, that that had been Ramses's goal, punish Rome, and slow down their progress, why else would the Egyptians catapults never be spotted at the front. He had of course claimed the war had ended in his favor, after all, the push on Cumae had been repulsed, the southern raiders had run with their tail between their legs, a few had even been destroyed and the damage could be rebuild. What the propaganda didn't say was that for all the casualties they had suffered in the north the Egyptians had retreated in good order while the damage to the south was astronomical. But that to might be a blessing, at least while the fields of Rome burned Ramses had no desire to take it, why waste time on repairing the damage when he could take it all once it had been repaired by Rome.

But at the time Caesar believed that the war had proven that the Egyptians were weak, incapable of winning even with a sneak attack. And after that war the west was united against Ramses, they saw him as a conquering monster, devouring everything in his path, and the tri-way alliance that had formed to face Nobunaga's desires had quickly made a secret pact to help Rome in the next war against Egypt, a war which this time Rome would start. Just as long as Rome would help the Zulu and the Inca (the 2 other members of the alliance) finish of Japan (which, after having it's eastern ambitions stopped by Egypt, had been repeatedly battered by the alliance in several wars) and once and for all secure the northern flank.

That war was supposed to have been easy and quick, the final exclamation mark on Nobunaga's ambitions, but, the best laid plans, as the proverb goes, had all gone to hell. Just as the first skirmishes with Japans had begun Egypt had stuck against the Zulu at Ondni (the only place they could), the fall of which had exposed the flank of Rome's own armies, at the time traveling through Zulu lands to reach Japan, declaring support for the Zulu now could have been crippling for Rome, it was decided that it was better if Rome and the Inca would not declare their support for the Zulu but used their forces to block and slow the Egyptian advance, giving the Zulu time to reinforce and hold Egypt while the rest of the alliance finished Japan and then turned around to aid the Zulu. So roman and inca and egyptian forces all slowly pushed and shoved each other out of the way as they made they struggled to reach their objectives.

This plan to was to fail, what the alliance hadn't expected was the cannon, the Egyptians rushed those to the front, and the Zulu walls crumbled, and their cities fell easily, all of a sudden it wasn't the alliance that was blocking Egypt's push east, it was Egypt that was blocking their push north, where the few forces that trickled in were slaughtered by the japanese. With no progress in the north and with the risk of being encircled and trapped between the former zulu cities and the angry japanese, Rome was had to pulled it's legion back, go east and try to north again through lands still held by the Zulu, but Ramses had guessed their plans, and focused everything into the northern Zulu cities, cutting of Japan from any land access to the alliance.

They were still at war with Japan but neither side could reach each other, and neither side wanted to risk the Egyptian guns in order to make a path, especially when word reach them that Egypt had even more forces clearing the Zulu holdings in the east, so they stood and watched and sent each other angry letters while the cannons reduced the Zulu empire to a handful of cities in the south too insignificant to conquer.

And then the great watch began, with the Zulu defeated Egypt started massing troops at the Roman border, and Rome in return scrambled to unlock the secrets of the muskets, and the cannons and for promises of friendship and assistance from the Inca, the only other kingdom on the continent that hadn't been reduced by Egypt.

And years past, Egypt added more troops at the border, and the expected war never came, cavalry was once again at Rome's door step but another raid never came, and Rome deployed muskets, and Rome deployed cannons of it's own, and the Egypt did nothing.

Maybe their window had passed, without the advantages of the cannon Egypt would be hard press to win against Rome, even more so against the Inca-Roman alliance. That must be it, Egypt was waiting for new technology, Ramses knew he couldn't win, Ramses probably feared Rome, or at least the alliance, after all Rome was the superior nation, it had always been, Egypt had just been lucky to face pathetic opposition while Rome had lead the charge against Japan. But still, Rome must not be hasty, Egypt was large, it could recover from the initial losses, Rome would be better served if it did not start the war, the Inca were after all unreliable, they couldn't take and hold from Egypt what they could take and hold from Rome if the latter was busy fighting against Egypt. So Rome had to forced Egypt to attack, had to make them seem like the bad guy, "if Rome falls, would the Inca not be next" he had said to Pachacuti. So Rome pushed, and prodded, first at the city states that Egypt procted then at Egypt it self, slowly and carefully at first, then aggressive and demanding, Rome demanded tribute from the city-states, Rome expanded it's borders in the East and finally Rome had colonized on the eastern side of the continent, right under the nose of Ramses, and all he'd gotten were a few strongly worded letters.

And after that nothing, and nothing and nothing, then Egypt had deployed rifle units, better cavalry, more and more of them, and cannons and frigates on the shores off the shores of the new cities and war seem imminent and then nothing, no more rifles, no more cannons, and no warnings about settling in their side of the continent.

Perhaps Egypt was busy, far to busy dealing with the Zulu holdings and the many nations of the recently found Eastern continent, maybe the threat was so great from the east that Egypt couldn't risk war against Rome, and the troops were there as a precaution, after all those troops had pulled back again and again every time Rome expanded, that must be it. In that case Rome had time, Caesar had time, time to prepare, time to advance, and even better, time to eliminate the possible threat in the west the Inca were lagging behind in technology, their lands would be better put to use by Rome, but just in case, a small offensive first, beat the Inca in open combat, prove who is superior but be ready for an Egyptian attack.

And so the alliance was no more, the first Rome-Inca war had been short and successful, the Inca had been defeated and the new city of Satricum now stood over the ruins of an Inca city. And in response Egypt had deployed machine guns, and brand new cannons, which they called artillery, and a new all metal war ship off the shores but nothing else. There had been no better time for Ramses to attack, then when Rome was distracted by the Inca and brand new technology on hand. But they hadn't and now Rome had rifles, and soon, soon Rome will have the new cannons as well. Clearly Egypt was afraid of Rome, or at least afraid to do anything to Rome while the east watched.

Rome was free to expand, start some colonies on other continents, conquer the Inca, and then, then punish Egypt for daring to attack Rome, for thinking them selves superior. "Yes" Caesar mused "Ramses will bow down to me", but still he fretted when he looked at the map, he couldn't help it.

Sper ca a fost macar interesant de citit

Cezar probabil nu stie ca eu am tot astepta sa termin de facut niste minuni care aveau cerinte de "cladirea asta sa fie in toate orasele" cerinte ce nu puteau fii indeplinite daca cuceream alte orase intre timp. Am cam pierdut avantajul cu infanteria Rifle dar artileria si numarul mare de unitati are trebuii sa compenseze. O sa fie un razboi interesant dar aproape sigur castigat de mine.