So, AK, you say you got most everything here. Here's a few questions:

Cum se face ca din cei care erau trasi in cealalta lume unii primeau serpi si se intorceau iar altii ramaneau acolo? Daca era atat de simplu pentru oameni obisnuiti sa se duca in lumea aia, sa ia serpi, sa astepte acolo cat pofteau si sa se intoarca in lumea asta cand le venea lor chef(yes, I mean Ayano) ce le impiedica pe mama si bunica lui Mary sa se intoarca in lumea asta odata ce the big bad snake a plecat de acolo?

Sotia lui Tateyama a fost trasa in lumea aia si nu s-a mai intors. De ce avea nevoie the big bad snake de toti ceilalti serpi pentru a o aduce inapoi cand putea sa ii dea ei un sarpe si putea trece in lumea asta de una singura bine mersi. Anyway, chiar daca facea rost de toti ceilalti serpi el nu ii putea controla, doar o meduza. By that time toate cele 3 meduze se aflau inca in cealalta lume, nu era nici o regina in lumea asta ca sa ii controleze, gathering them was pointless.

Later the big bad snake survived without a wish for 2 years in order to make Mary make a wish to revive her friends after he had killed them and create a sort of kill revive loop. When that failed he couldn't survive 1 more minute without a wish, although he somehow had no problem doing it for 2 years. Also that last wish destroyed him instead of saving him, whatever the reason.

How was the big bad snake going to revive all those guys after he had killed without all the snakes when he couldn't revive even a single person without using all of the snakes?

How the heck was that Shintaro dude related to all the medusa business and how the hell did he know how to control the snakes?

Did the original medusa seriously had a snake with the power to hack electronics a few thousand years before their invention?

Care era faza cu pisica cu ochii rosii? Avea un sarpe? Daca da de ce nu a fost prezenta la final cand cica s-ar fi adunat toti serpii?

Ok, that's enough for now.