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Avand in vedere ca se citesc mult mai putine VN-uri decat manga sau anime si nici la acelea nu prea se oboseste lumea sa deschida topicuri separate pentru fiecare, ar fi mai util sa existe un thread pentru discutii generale despre ultimul VN citit, pareri si ce te-ar interesa sa citesti in continuare.

Ultimul VN pe care l-am citit e Katawa Shoujo. If you're one of the people that consider everything mainstream sa fie la nivelul Bleach, Naruto, you're making a big mistake. This is a great romance story and yes, there can be a good story even without fantasy, science fiction or whatnot.

I am currently interested in reading YU-NO. It's really old, with crappy graphics and all that, but hopefully I'll get myself a good time traveling story. Who knows, it may even be better than Stein's Gate.
QUOTE(elpreda @ Dec 14 2012, 12:41 PM)
Who knows, it may even be better than Stein's Gate.

Discutabil. Povestea e construita foarte bine, dar pe mine nu prea a reusit sa ma prinda. Dau vina pe sistemul de gameplay care poate fi foarte frustrant uneori cu faze de genul: De multe ori nu iti spune in ce directie ar trebui sa te indrepti la un moment dat asa ca ajungi sa te plimbi aiurea prin toate locatiile pe care le ai disponibile ca sa gasesti locatia specifica care contine trigger-ul pentru urmatoarea scena.
QUOTE(cg1700 @ Dec 14 2012, 11:52 AM)
De multe ori nu iti spune in ce directie ar trebui sa te indrepti la un moment dat asa ca ajungi sa te plimbi aiurea prin toate locatiile pe care le ai disponibile ca sa gasesti locatia specifica care contine trigger-ul pentru urmatoarea scena.

That seems to be a problem with many old games, not just VNs. I guess people used to have a better sense of direction.
Nah, nici nu se compara cu ce intalnesti prin alte jocuri. In alte jocuri ai un tel pe care stii ca trebuie sa il indeplinesti, chiar daca nu stii cum sa ajungi la el. Aici pur si simplu mergi din scena in scena si dintr-o data flow-ul jocului se opreste, nu iti mai spune ce ar trebui sa faci in continuare, pur si simplu te forteaza sa te plimbi prin toate locatiile disponibile pana trigger-ezi o scena de multe ori ne importanta si de abia dupa aceea te lasa sa te intorci la flow-ul obisnuit al jocului. In cele mai rele cazuri trebuie sa te plimbi aiurea prin toate locatiile de mai multe ori la rand. Si cand jocul devine:
"Plimba-te prin toate locatiile pana trigger-ezi scena urmatoare. Scena gasita a fost complet inutila si nu ti-a spus ce ar trebui sa faci ca sa continui jocul asa ca plimba-te iar prin toate locatiile pana trigger-ezi scena urmatoare. Scena gasita acum e si ea inutila asa ca plimba-te iar prin toate locatiile. Rinse and Repeat"
incepi sa te plictisesti si sa iti pierzi interesul pentru pentru main story.
I think I can handle it, I'm afraid am avut mai mult de-aface cu situatia asta decat mi-as fi dorit so I've become partially immune.

Sooo, read anything lately?
Not really. Nu prea a mai aparut nimic nou in ultima vreme. Speram ca poate Rewrite o sa fie gata inainte de Craciun, dar s-ar parea ca nu e cazul. Oh well, macar am pastrat ef pentru zile negre de genul asta, asa ca o sa am ce sa citesc in vacanta.
Akashiro Kitadawa
Ultimul VN pe care l-am citit e Katawa Shoujo.

La mine a fost primul VN. E surprinzator de bine facut, tinand cont ca a fost facut de niste oameni de pe 4chan. Adica totul e facut de fani VN,non-japonezi, de aceea apar unele mici discrepante in locatii/nume (unele nu sunt japoneze, desi suna ca si cum ar fi).

A urmat FSN,Tsukihime.Si ma apucasem de Clannad.Dar nu l-am terminat sad.gif. Si a mai fost unul cu o formatie de 3 fete(am uitat cum i zice).
@Akashiro Kitadawa

Kira Kira?
Akashiro Kitadawa
QUOTE(cg1700 @ Dec 14 2012, 02:02 PM)
@Akashiro Kitadawa

Kira Kira?

Ala e smile.gif.Desi a fost doar demo-ul, adica am jucat pana pleaca ei in excursia in jurul Japoniei sad.gif.
Alright, I think I'm finished with Yosuga no Sora, at least for now. Nu am citit decat ruta lui Motoka si a lui Sora. Ruta lui Kazuha e si ea complet tradusa, but to be honest I'm not really interested. Ruta lui Motoka nu e complet tradusa, dar dialogurile sunt voice acted si am reusit sa inteleg in mare parte ce spuneau, and Motoka is quite a funny raging alcoholic so I wasn't really bored.
Now for the main reason pentru care m-am apucat de VN-ul asta, Sora's route. Ce pot sa spun e ca cel ce s-a ocupat de povestea animeului a detestat ruta asta. Nu are aproape nici o legatura cu VN-ul, si este atat gresit cat si prost prezentata. In the anime it just looks that after humping every girl in town the main char decides to give his sister a try too, there a bit of drama nelalocul ei and that's it. That is not what happens in the VN, it's quite the opposite actually. Sora is the one in love with Haru, he actually rejects her and tries to get away from her, she reacts badly. Pune mult mai mult accentul pe modul cum au ajuns sa se indragosteasca si pe modul cum o relatia lor le afecteaza viata and even their sanity. I admit, it may not be the best VN overall and the beginning kinda makes you wanna give it up, but Haruka an Sora's story is, if nothing else, very interesting. You see a ton of incest hentai around but very rarely a story that actually abordeaza subiectul beyond the level of it just being a fetish.
Recomand ruta lui Sora, at the end you'll probably have a happy fulfilled expression, maybe a disgusted one, but definitely not a bored one.
Dar si in anime e prezentat ca Sora e indragostita de fratele ei, nu invers. Daca te uiti la anime si sari peste scenele care nu au legatura cu Sora o sa vezi ca e mai aproape de ce ai zis. Sau citeste manga...
They were both in love with each other in different ways, dar animeul nu sare peste anumite parti ci le schimba complet, from the way things started, the way they were caught and the way they reacted afterwards, and that's pretty much all of it. It's basically different story and it most definitely doesn't rise to the level of the original.
Anymore details would spoil it though.
Just finished G-Senjou no Maou, nu pot sa ma culc pana nu scriu ceva (nu ma culc probabil nici dupa asta oricum).
Well... it was... beyond amazing, the true route at least. "Maou" is a genius si are acelasi voice actor ca Lelouch Lamperouge. Death note and Code Geass fans are going to love him.
While the true route is a masterpiece, the side routes are really weak, it's as if the writer was stricken with temporary stupidity while writing them. I did like Kanon's route since it reminded me of my own story de la olimpiada (pian nu patinaj, singura data cand am incercat sa patinez am cazut de 3 ori intr-un minut si nu am mai atins vreodata patine), difference is I gave up on being a pianist after that.

Also, no route for the best char, Yuki-sama ... ridiculous
And dat ending... seriously now, how much of a bastard can someone be? I'd say bad end for sure if wasn't for that last character.
Just finished reading my second route from Euphoria and the only thing I could say about it was Daaaaaamn... No seriously, daaaaaaaaaaaaamn.

Cand l-am descarcat initial am crezut ca va fi doar un nukige sau mindless torture porn. Boy was I wrong. N-am mai citit niciodata o poveste that could rattle me to this extent. I could actually feel the anger, joy, disgust impreuna cu personajele and empathy is definitely not something I have that much of.
Here after a 2 days marathon of "Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka?" .

Yes, it's a web novel, not a visual novel, but seriously, I'm tired of creating new topics when I know I'm the only one who writes and reads this anyway, makes it harder to find things. No, this is not me talking to myself, I'm using the [Parallel Will] skill.

Soooo, it's about a girl that gets murdered and reincarnated as a spider (actual spider, not spider girl) in a different world. It starts out as funny and works it way up to awesome. Short chapters, will tickle RPG fans the right way, story and "fights" evolve into Umineko scale standard.
Really great read, even for arachnophobes (like me).

Exista si manga facut dupa el, dar cuprinde doar putin din inceputul povestii. You could give it a go first, see if the theme suits you.

Web Novel
Vad ca te-a prins Kumo biggrin.gif

Pe la ce capitol ai ajuns?
Sunt pe la 212, inca nu m-am apucat de side stories.

Avand in vedere ca ultimul capitol e din 2015 presupun ca au mai aparut, dar n-au fost traduse. Not that it matters, I may have a decent understanding of spoken Japanese, but I can't even learn to read kana.

Glad to see there's another fan here though. Btw, just curious daca am trecut prea repede prin el, sau e ca n-am citit side storie-urile sau sunt eu greu rau de cap: A explicat vreodata ce anume este
MA, de ce incearca sa creeze razboi intre demoni si oameni and most of all why the heck is the world ending?
Nu prea mai inteleg ce se intampla in poveste de cand a "aparut" Shiraori.
QUOTE(elpreda @ Feb 11 2017, 04:58 AM)
Sunt pe la 212, inca nu m-am apucat de side stories.

Avand in vedere ca ultimul capitol e din 2015 presupun ca au mai aparut, dar n-au fost traduse. Not that it matters, I may have a decent understanding of spoken Japanese, but I can't even learn to read kana.

Glad to see there's another fan here though. Btw, just curious daca am trecut prea repede prin el, sau e ca n-am citit side storie-urile sau sunt eu greu rau de cap: A explicat vreodata ce anume este
MA, de ce incearca sa creeze razboi intre demoni si oameni and most of all why the heck is the world ending?
Nu prea mai inteleg ce se intampla in poveste de cand a "aparut" Shiraori.

Turb0 s-a retras de la traduceri. Continuarea o gasesti pe Raising the Dead

unde ultimul capitol este 288 (iesit pe 15 ianuarie 2017) si este la zi cu raw-urile.

N-ai facut bine ca ai sarit peste side stories. Initial SS-urile au timeline-ul diferit de cel din main, si se axeaza pe colegii din clasa (+profa), dar mai tarziu main story-ul ajunge timeline-ul din SS-uri din urma.

Cele ONI si BLOOD sunt in acelasi timeline, fac parte din MAIN, doar ca sunt din punctele de vedere ale lui Sofia si Wrath (ma rog, ONI e in acelasi timeline un pic mai tarziu).

In orice caz, side stories sunt importante si contin multe informatii care te ajuta cu povestea.

Motivul pentru razboi, si ce este MA-ul o sa le afli un pic mai tarziu in poveste (in capitolele de pe raising the dead).
Iti recomand sa te apuci de site stories, si optional sa treci rapid si prin capitolele dintre ele din main (ca sa faci un refresh), inainte sa continui cu capitolele de pe raising the dead.

P.S. Spre sfarsitu lui februarie sau inceputu lui martie ar trebui sa inceapa sa iasa iar capitole noi (e pauza acum ca autoarea se concentreaza sa finalizeze urmatorul volum din light novel pt publicare)
Am ajuns abia pe la S23, goddamn work won't let me read in peace. Da, fara sa fi citit main-ul pana la punctul asta n-ai fi inteles nimic din ce se intampla cu Maou si Shiro. Missing the other side stories might have been a mistake, but the S series can be read out of order just fine.

I'm starting to like this novel more and more, I think I'm enjoying it even more than Overlord.

Also Sue-sama is wasted on that stupid Shinji... I mean Shun. Also I know I shouldn't considering it's free, but damn Turb0 really needs to get his hands on a grammar textbook. At this point he has earned the [Natural Calamity of Grammar Nazi] title.
Am ajuns la zi cu Dungeon Defense. Eram plictisit, am gasit pe net c-ar fi bun. A fost mult peste asteptari.
Ce il face sa fie exceptional nu e atat de mult povestea ci personajele. Some of the best damn characters I've ever seen anywhere. Really recommend it.

Dungeon Defense

Vad ca ai inceput si cu cele coreene, asa ca, in caz ca nu ai citit inca, give "Everyone Else is a Returnee" a try.
( sau pe novel updates: )

Left out during elementary school picnic.

Left out during middle school camp.

Left out during high school trip.

I finally became a college student and what? I’m left out from the entire humanity?

Yu IlHan who protects the earth alone while everybody’s away in other worlds.

His legend starts after humanity comes back and meets the Great Cataclysm!

Nu pare cine stie ce din descriere, nu ca ar zice mare lucru, dar e foarte interesant.

Altele care le poti incerca:
- Seou's Station Necromancer ( )
- The Book Eating Magician ( )
Thanks for the suggestions. Coreean n-am mai citit decat Tower of God, care nu prea e novel.

Ma apucasem acum de Knights and Magic, dar l-am lasat. Nu sunt fan Mecha si restul content-ului nu e suficient ca sa ma tina interesat. Am mai luat Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku, inca nu l-am inceput dar am auzit lucruri bune despre el.
Mie-mi place Knights and Magic(anime), nu stiam ca e VN. E joc de-a bunelea, sau nu am inteles eu threadul asta bine.
My bad, am fost ambiguu. Knights and Magic e LN nu VN. Same for Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku.

Asta ar trebui sa fie thread de VNs, dar se mai amesteca.
Alte recomandari:

The Death Mage Who Doesn’t Want a Fourth Time

Amamiya Hiroto is unlucky. His life consisted of misfortune after misfortune, culminating in an unlucky death during an incident on a school boat trip, trying to save a girl he barely knew. After death, he met a god of reincarnation who requested that the hundred or so dead passengers—one of them being the girl he tried in vain to save—be reincarnated into another world.

Yet a series of unfortunate events forced Hiroto to reincarnate with even less luck than before, starting with nothing but a tremendous amount of Mana. His second life, far worse than his first, came to a cruel end.

However, upon meeting the god a second time, he was informed that there would be yet another reincarnation—one that had already been set in motion and could not be stopped. Not wanting Hiroto to live long, the god cursed him before he was reborn in the hopes that he would either die quickly or commit suicide.

Hiroto was reborn once more as a half-Vampire, half-Dark Elf. A Dhampir. Not wanting a fourth life, he is determined to live this third life with the only things remaining from his previous lives—death-attribute magic and his enormous Mana pool.

In stilu Overlord, transportat in alta lume cu guild house-ul (and all the NPC's):

After a Different World Transition, I Founded a Nation in a Week

Renjin Yanase is an ordinary member of society whose occupation is a sales person. His hobby is an online VR game “Einherjar” that has been on for over five years now. It is a game with high degree of freedom and Renjin silently works hard to nurture his subordinate character.

The next day was a holiday so he’s going to use it for boss hunting all night.

When the boss hunt is finished, Renjin falls asleep in the game. He felt like someone was calling his name so he woke up.

Standing in front of the half-asleep Renjin was Eleanor, a character he created.

When Renjin looked outside after being puzzled to the characters who behave like they are alive, the outside scenery changed into one that he did not know at all.

Renjin who surveyed the surrounding, realized that the castle and the 200 subordinates that he created with time and money was transferred to a different world.

The transferred Renjin announced the declaration of the founding of a nation after a week.

Multumesc de recomandari. I'm just somewhat reluctant to start any new large novels right now.

M-am apucat de Elf Tensei Kara no Cheat Kenkoku-ki si am realizat prea tarziu ca a fost abandonat. I really don't want to drop something I wanted to read just because I'm too stupid to learn a goddamn language. It's not even close to being the best thing I've ever read, but the thought of just giving it up annoys me to no end.
So yeah, I'm pretty much just throwing a tantrum. Am incercat sa citesc in romaji, but my level of Japanese is just too low. Probably going to give up after a while, but for now I'm going to keep at it.

Am mai citit un one-shot dragut to help keep at bay the withdrawal symptoms a bit.
It's a 1-2 hours read at most.
About the Reckless Girl who kept Challenging a Reborn Man like Me
Well dupa multe cursuri si aplicatii de japoneza incepute si neterminate m-am hotarat ca e timpul sa reiau Elf Tensei Kara no Cheat Kenkoku-ki asa ca m-am pus week-end-ul asta si am citit
in sfarsit volumul 3.
This is what I have to say: sa stai sa citesti cu dictionarul in fata is an enormous pain. Instead of accomplishment all I feel is fatigue. Volume 3 is actually better than the first 2 in my opinion, but I really don't feel like reading any further for the time being. I need some dumb anime series to soothe my overloaded brain.
QUOTE(elpreda @ Feb 4 2018, 11:15 PM)
Well dupa multe cursuri si aplicatii de japoneza incepute si neterminate m-am hotarat ca e timpul sa reiau Elf Tensei Kara no Cheat Kenkoku-ki asa ca m-am pus week-end-ul asta si am citit
in sfarsit volumul 3.
This is what I have to say: sa stai sa citesti cu dictionarul in fata is an enormous pain. Instead of accomplishment all I feel is fatigue. Volume 3 is actually better than the first 2 in my opinion, but I really don't feel like reading any further for the time being. I need some dumb anime series to soothe my overloaded brain.

O solutie ar fi sa traduci in scris fiecare capitol citit. Te ajuta si sa intelegi mai usor, si ajuti si pe altii sa citeasca biggrin.gif
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