QUOTE(darczon69 @ Mar 24 2012, 02:36 PM)
YOU! It's all your fault that my father died for the Hyuuga...and that I'm bound by this cursed seal...but, no more!
NOW, DIE! Hakke RokujÅ«yon ShÅ!
(see, non-ecchi :P)
Off-topic: Nu tin minte scena asta...fan-made?
First of all, eram sigur ca u vei raspunde :))...second, ma asteptam sa spui ceva de genul
N:"Your money or your body!"
H:"Why don't you search me? Thoroughly! XD"
...Ar fi fost mult mai smooth... 3rd, nu e fan made, deoarece nu stiu daca se pot pune si images fan-made. Scena e din ep 220, ultimul din prima serie, when the 2 of them were training, before Naruto was about to leave. Mi-a luat ceva sa prind cu exactitate pozitia aia :P
4th: on topic:
K:Watching 2nd Naruto ep, SasuNaru kiss scene. "Damn!" *nosebleed*