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> Demonologie by (DimmuBorg & Scooph)

post Apr 13 2005, 10:41 AM
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Oamenii au fost obsedatzi de la inceputul timpurilor de demoni, draci si alte lighioane ale intunericului hai sa vorbim un pic despre ei... scuffy pune te rog poza
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post Apr 13 2005, 10:45 AM
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Here she be!! Hot and ready!
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post Apr 13 2005, 10:47 AM
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Nice babes ain't them ??? oki acu noi doi ne-am tampit oleaca dar avem cateva cartulii citite de caciula despre draci vrajitoare black magic ..... Cum e pana la urma? Voi ce credeti despre ocult ?
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post Apr 13 2005, 04:49 PM
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How nice! Cine ar putea sa raspunda unei asemenea "provocari"... Doar "je"... Mote it be boys! Ce parere am. Sincer? Daca demoni si tot tacamul exista, o sa ma friga la rotisor when I die. Dar, daca demonii exista in genul chestiilor ce le vedem in media(TV, cinema, etc), well, then is not that bad... and boys, admit it... you like it cause EVIL is GOOD in our days...
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post Apr 14 2005, 08:22 AM
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Demona rotisor sau nu o sa te frigi la inceput.. pana isi dau seama baietii ce taLENTE ai shi apoi tu vei fii cea care va sta in spatele rotisorului :D
Chiar tu shtii cine e Samael ?
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post Apr 14 2005, 09:31 AM
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Si mie imi plac demonii in artworkuri, In realitate nu, iar Demona, nu te lua dupa ce spune media, hell is beyond the worst possible thing you can immagine :twisted:


[img][/img] [img][/img]
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post Apr 14 2005, 10:01 AM
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Chris hell is nice if you like to burn... n-ai vazut SouthPark they dance Conga in there!!!
Nu pe bune acum care din voi shtie care-i treaba cu devilu' Samael ?
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post Apr 14 2005, 10:05 AM
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In primul rand, eu resping credinta populara ca demonii sunt sclavii diavolilor! Ii cred mult mai puternici si mai..capabili ,sa spunem, de distrugere.

True, EVIL is the right path , Demona. We think so , you think so, WTF, everybody thinks so!

Let's get down to buisness!
Cititi, cautati carti (oculte, daca se poate!) in legatura cu subiectul! Informati-va si apoi discutam.
Suntem interesati si de viziunea personala, of course! Spre exemplu: descrieti (cu lux de amanunte) modalitatea in care v-ati impaca cu demonii vostrii! Demona, you especially!

So start thinking, guyz! Time's a'tickin' ! :twisted:
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post Apr 14 2005, 11:25 AM
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Am si eu ceva variante la poza minunata (cred ca-mi va fi sters postul asta dar wtf...).Am atat de multe incat nici eu nu le mai stiu pe toate but wtf again.
Si acum sa fim seriosi...
Sunt spirite malevolente care constin esenta influentei pana la extrem a vointei umane, the most tricky quality of all qualities pe care fiecare o are vrea nu vrea.Au atribute ce conduc la o deteriorare a evenimentelor si oamenilor cu care interactioneaza.

Sammael -- (Ebraica)) "venom of God"- un alt nume al lui satan desemenea asociat cu un demon al presupune a fi ingerul mortii cel care a ispitit-o pe Eva.Primul dintre printii 12 aripi adica dublul numarul celor detinute de Serafimi.
Primul dintre printii ingerilor - apare in religia ebraica si este asociat cu Satan si decaderea ingerilor din invidia lor fata de oameni deoarece erau fiinte privilegiate care aveau drept de nuimre asupra celorlalte creaturi. Vrand sa castige suprematie asupra oamenilor face acte impotriva vointei divine supreme si astfel este alungat din Imparatia Cerurilor.(osa va povestesc alta data minunata istorioara pt ca acum mie lene si sunt la serviciu).

Cred ca va aruncati la o chestie prea obositoare totusi...sincer.
Daca vreti numai pareri personale...well..atunci este cu totul altceva intr-adevar.Daca vreti chestii fondate insa si oameni care sa aiba habar despre ce vorbesc > revin la prima afirmatie.Si in fi nice sa aiba legatura cu animeul...despre conceptia demonilor si ingerilor din punctul de vedere al culturii asiatice.Lots of interesting stuff in that direction trust me.Angel Sanctuary, Haibane Renmei...blabla > (oricum osa se uite lumea la poze nu la ce am scris asa ca enjoy.
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post Apr 15 2005, 08:12 AM
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Kaoru vb despre demoni :D anime sau non-anime

Demonologia iudaismului intertestamentar se deschide către teologiile politeiste elenistice, pe care ?ncearcă să le integreze ?n sens hermeneutic. Astfel, morfologia daimonilor se lărgeşte. Autorul Cărţii lui Enoh propune chiar o serie de mituri etiologice pentru a explica existenţa răului ?n lume, prin omniprezenţa agenţilor malefici (demoni şi duhuri rele). ?ngerii rebeli (?cetele lui Azazel?[7]) sunt pedepsiţi şi ?nchişi ?n al doilea cer[8], ?căci ei au fost ?n slujba lui Satan şi i-au ademenit pe locuitorii păm?ntului?[9]. ?ngerii veghetori (care cad pe păm?nt, se ?mpreunează cu fiicele oamenilor, ?mpotriva interdicţiei divine[10], le dezvăluie acestora tainele transcendente, descoperindu-le păcatul şi nedreptatea[11] şi sunt pedepsiţi[12]) se transformă ?n duhuri rele, remarcabile prin proteismul lor fenomenologic, esenţial funcţiei lor de bază (ispitirea): ?Acolo vor fi locurile ?ngerilor, care au trăit cu femei. Duhurile lor iau tot felul de forme, necăjesc pe oameni şi-i fac să aducă jertfe demonilor, p?nă ?n ziua cea mare a judecăţii, c?nd vor fi condamnaţi la pieire.?[13] Paredrele ?ngerilor veghetori sunt asimilate, printr-o interpretatio iudaica, unei categorii daimonice specifice politeismului grecesc, sirenele: ?femeile ?ngerilor rebeli au devenit sirene.?[14] Uriaşii (ebr. Nephilim)[15], născuţi din unirea fiilor lui Dumnezeu (ebr. beney Elohim) cu femeile oamenilor, sunt integraţi după moarte, la r?ndul lor, ?n categoria duhurilor rele (teoria transformării postume a uriaşilor ?n ?duhuri rele?[16]): ?Şi acum, uriaşii născuţi din duh şi trup, vor fi numiţi pe păm?nt duhuri rele şi păm?ntul va fi locuinţa lor. Duhuri rele vor ieşi din ei pentru că ei procedează ca oamenii, deşi prin natura şi originea lor ţin de sfinţii Veghetori; vor fi numiţi la r?ndu-le duhuri rele. Duhurile cerului vor răm?ne ?n cer, duhurile născute pe păm?nt vor răm?ne pe păm?nt. Duhurile uriaşilor asupritori, brutali, pustiitori, vătămători, certăreţi, vor b?ntui pe păm?nt aduc?nd durere[17]; ?nfometaţi şi ?nsetaţi, fără a m?nca ceva, distrugători. Aceste duhuri se vor ?ntăr?ta ?mpotriva fiilor oamenilor şi ai femeilor, pentru că provin dintre ei. ?n ziua c?nd uriaşii vor dispare, omor?ţi şi masacraţi, duhurile, provenind din sufletul lor trupesc, vor fi pedepsite fără urmări grave. Ele vor fi pedepsite aşa, p?nă ?n ziua sf?rşitului, a judecăţii celei mari, c?nd se va ?mplini Veacul cel mare.?[18] Este vorba, aşadar, de o dublă pedeapsă a insurgenţilor, acuzaţi de ?nseşi sufletele oamenilor năpăstuiţi[19], fără ca intervenţia lui Enoh[20] să poată ?mbl?nzi m?nia divină: pedeapsa imediată, const?nd ?n pierderea copiilor ?ngerilor căzuţi (uriaşii)[21] şi ?ntr-o captivitate departe de cer[22] şi judecata de apoi, ?n urma căreia demonii vor fi definitiv livraţi focului veşnic[23].

mmmmmmmmmmmmmm OPINIONY!!!
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post Apr 15 2005, 08:21 AM
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Here is what you need to learn:
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post Apr 15 2005, 08:27 AM
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Astaroth/Astarot is derived from Ashtoreth of 1 Kings 11:5 "the goddess of the Sidonians." The name is derived from the goddess Astarte with the ending distorted to closely resemble the Hebrew boshet, meaning "shame." Her original name "Astoreth" meant "womb" and she was associated with fertility. It is thought that she and the goddess Anath were the same deity in Biblical times.
She is also associated with the Hebrew "Asherah"/"Ashura", the consort of Yahweh. Other interpretations translate "Astoreth" as "lady", similar to that of Baal, which means "lord." A Babylonian title of hers is Qadesh, similar to Qadishtu, meaning harlot.

Astarte is depicted in a number of ways, sometimes with the head of a lioness, cow, or bull. Sometimes she carries a shield and club as she rides into battle naked on her horse or driving her chariot.

Astarte corresponds to the Arabian male deity, Athtar, is identified with Aphrodite, Mylitta, and sometimes Tyche, as well as the Assyrian Istaru.

Astaroth appears later in Mather's translation of the Goetia: the Lesser Key of Solomon as the 29th spirit.
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post Apr 15 2005, 08:29 AM
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Asmodeus, also known as Ashmadia, most likely originated from the Persian Aeshma-deva ("demon of wrath").

The apocryphal Book of Tobit describes an instance where Raguel's daughter, Sarah, was tormented by the demon. She was married to seven times, each time the Asmodeus killed off the husband before they could have intercourse. Sarah, was about to hang herself in grief, but decided against it after thinking about the shame it would cause her father. She then prayed to God for death.
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post Apr 15 2005, 08:31 AM
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Lilith is thought be the demon of waste places who originally lived in the garden of the Sumerian goddess, Innana, queen of heaven. She is mentioned briefly in the Sumerian story Gilgamesh and the Huluppu-Tree" (2000 BCE) although it is now being questioned whether the name actually translates as "Lilith".
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post Apr 15 2005, 08:47 AM
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Lillith is also known (as my belowed syster is aware of ) as the only human that was capable of fully corrupting Cain after the murder of Abel in his "blasphemial" cataclysm.
As of that, Cain murdered Lillith and then defiled her, becoming the "father" of all the damnable creatures that roamed the night. He did it with obvious satisfaction though, despite the supportive role that Lillith interpreted in his derranged mind.

Such grimm determination aws even the most perceptive of minds...
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post Apr 15 2005, 06:53 PM
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Am scris ditamai mesaju`, dar l-am shters. Nu are rost sa mai continui... Nice posting around here...
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post Apr 18 2005, 09:21 PM
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The infamous "Blood Countess" of Transylvania, who was purported to be a witch, vampire, werewolf, and supposedly bathed in the blood of virgins in order to maintain her beautiful and youthful appearance, has been the subject of many legends some of which have affected even the American culture half a world away.
The story of her life begins on what was once the border between Romania and Hungary ( at Ecsed Castle, the Bathory family seat in Transylvania.
The Bathory family was "one of the richest and most powerful Protestant families in all Hungary.
Unlike most females of the time, Elizabeth was well educated and her intelligence surpassed even some of the men of her time.

In 1555, Elizabeth's future husband, Ferenc Nadasdy (pronounced "Ferents"), was born to a family which, by noble right, was as prestigious as the Bathorys but not as wealthy and not as old.
Ferenc chose war as his career and so was not often around, leaving Elizabeth at Castle Sarvar (prn "Shar-var") managing the family seat, "especially the task of disciplining the servants. The countess carried her 'disciplining' to a point that would be considered sadism today".Beating the girl servants with a heavy club was the least of her "punishments," according to accounts. Often she would stick "pins into the upper and lower lips of the girls...into the girls ' flesh and... under their fingernails".One particularly harsh "punishment" would be to drag girls out into the snow where she or her women servants poured cold water on them until they froze to death.

The first ten years of their marriage, Elizabeth bore no children.Then...Elizabeth bore a girl whom she named Anna, and over the following nine years gave birth to two more girls, Ursula and Katherina.

Only four weeks after the death of her husband in 1604, Elizabeth decided that she had mourned long enough and soon began making appearances at the court. Though many chroniclers of the Countess' story point out that the death of Ferenc was the trigger for her reputed blood baths "for cosmetic purposes,the evidence first, clearly shows that her sadistic behavior (as noted previously) began well before the death of her husband, and second, indicates that there were no blood baths (not from any of the eye-witness accounts)! One old legend states that while out riding with a young gentleman, she apparently was verbally abusive to a very old woman whom she found utterly repulsive in appearance. The old woman countered with the remark " 'Take care, O vain one, soon you will look as I do and then what will you do?' "This was another reason given for Elizabeth's obsession with age and aging, though there is no evidence anywhere of documents to this event. It is worthy to mention here, though it also lacks evidence as the above story does, another legend concerning the genesis of Elizabeth's blood baths.This practice started when a maid accidentally pulled the countess's hair while combing it; Countess Elizabeth Bathory instinctively slapped the girl on the ear, but so hard that she drew blood. The servant girl's blood spurted onto Elizabeth's hands. At first the countess was enraged at this and reached for a towel to wipe off the blood. But suddenly the countess noticed that as the blood dried, her own skin seemed to take on the whiteness and youthful quality of the young girl's skin.Nonetheless, though she may not have actually bathed in the blood of her servants, several accounts of her tortures described her as being so soaked with the blood of her victims that she had to change her clothes before continuing onward.

That's it for now... :wink:
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post Apr 19 2005, 12:27 PM
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demonii sunt nascuti de natura umana, din teama, ura,gelozie, neputinta de a intelege anumite fenomene etc. cel mai temut demon este propria constiinta care , uneori, te atrage pe marginea prapastiei pana cand cazi in neant.
culmea este ca , in mitologia romana primitiva, demonul nu are un caracter negativ..el ajuta demiurgul la crearea lumii...
in evul mediu, cand lumea era apucata de criza ereziilor , au fost masacrati sute de oameni nevinovati deoarece erau (deh!) varcolaci, vrajitori sau mai stiu eu ce! este drept ca in lipsa doctorilor (populatia sarmana nu avea acces la asa ceva) se recurgea la ajutorul leacurilor babesti care , de cele mai multe ori erau niste alifii facute din beladona,mac rosu si mac negru+ alte asemenea plantute, macerate cateva saptamani in ulei...cei care se ungeau cu aceasta alifie aveau stari in care credeau ca se intalnesc cu diavolul, zboara sau devin varcolaci!
intrebarea pe care o pun este: cine au reprezentat demonii cei care au ars pe rug sau cei care au ordonat lucrul acesta????
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post Apr 20 2005, 03:38 PM
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Sammael chapter II

"According to tradition, Sammael was said to have been the highest throne-angel. He was said to have twelve wings, which was twice the number of wings of the Seraphim and other living creatures. According to the Debarim Rabbi (xi), Sammael is the wicked angel who is the chief of all the Satans.
It was Sammael (also associated with Satan) who, under the guise of the serpent, tempted Eve in paradise. According to chapters 13 and 14 of the Pirke de Rabbi Eliezer, Satan?s fall was mainly out of jealousy and envy on the part of the angels. The angels were in opposition to the creation of man, and were jealous that man was allowed to give names to all creatures. They saw this act as proving that man was superior to themselves.
Sammael, who was the first of all the angel princes, led a group of angels to earth in an attempt to conspire against Adam, so that by his fall, they might again gain supremacy over man.
In the Bereshith Rabba (xix), the serpent was described as possessing hands and feet and it resembled a camel. It also could speak.
Sammael took possession of the serpent and thus deceived Eve.
Because of this act, the angels were cast out of heaven and the feet of the serpent were cut off.
3 Baruch makes reference to this event. The Greek version uses the name 'Samael' while the Slavic text replaces the name with 'Satanael.'

"And I said, 'I pray you, show me which is the tree which caused Adam to stray.'
And the angel said, 'It is the vine which the angel Samael planted by which the Lord God became angered, and he cursed him and his planting. For this reason he did not permit Adam to touch it. And because of this the devil became envious, and tricked him by means of his vine.'" - 3 Baruch 4:8 (Greek)
"And during the transgression of the first Adam, she gave light to Samael when he took the serpent as a garment, and did not hide, but on the contrary, waxed." - 3 Baruch 9:7 (Greek)

Sammael plays the role of the accuser, seducer, and destroyer (and is identified with Satan in some traditions).
Another example of the deeds of Sammael is his role in the trial of Abraham. Sammael stood before God to accuse Abraham of selfish piety. God decided to test Abraham by asking him to sacrifice his son, Isaac. Sammael then tried to persuade Abraham not to sacrifice Isaac, and also to persuade Isaac to rebel against this trial. When he saw that Abraham would not disobey God, he revenged himself by telling Sarah that Isaac had been slain. She then died of her grief and terror.
Sammael is also a symbol of the 'venom of God.' This title refers to his role as executioner of the death sentences ordered by God, and links him to the Angel of Death.
In T.B. Abuda Zarah, Sammael is represented as standing by a dying man with a drawn sword in his hand. The point of the sword has a drop of gall on it. When the dying man sees him, he is startled and opens his mouth. The drop of gall then falls into his mouth and the man dies. In this personification, Sammael is said to have brought about Moses' death. According to the T.B. Baba Metzia (86a), the Angel of Death did not fall but remains one of God's angels.
Sammael also, as an uncircumcised mate of Lilith, fathered a huge family of demons.
According to a fifteenth century story, a Spanish Kabbalist of that era tried to gain power over Sammael by summoning him in the name of God. When Sammael appeared in the form of a serpent, the conjurer bound the demon by placing on his head a crown inscribed with magic letters which spelled out: 'Thy Master's Name is upon Thee.' But Sammael was not to be duped that easily. He cunningly convinced the magician to burn incense to seal his victory. When the conjurer obeyed, the demon was instantly freed from the spell, as the burning of incense was an act of idolatry.
In the Kabbalistic tradition, Sammael is the chief of the ten evil Sephiroth. He is said to fly through the air like a bird. The dark blemishes on the moon's surface are supposed to be this archdemon's excrement."

and a demoness
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post Apr 20 2005, 06:13 PM
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De ce nu scrietzi cu cuvintele voastre shi datzi veshnic copy/paste de pe dreq shtie ce site? In fine... Facetzi ce vretzi...
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