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> Poze Irl, Poze cu noi

post Feb 9 2011, 08:43 PM
Post #1

Si eu p-aici...

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La sugestia lui iNeko, am facut topicul asta. Ideea ar fi sa punem poze cu noi sa ne recunoastem daca ne vedem pe strada sau la vreun Niji/Otaku. Bagati ce aveti, nu tre' sa fie opera de arta :)
Incep eu, pun o poza si alaturi de ea comentariul pe care l-am primit pe facebook la ea:
"Pentru copiii cuminti a venit mosul, pentru ceilalti ... Fili :lol:"
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post Feb 9 2011, 09:07 PM
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THanks a bunch man, pe alte forumuri incepeam eu threadul de obicei, dar nu stiu cum sta treaba fe fprumul asta :3

din pacate nu te recunosc *sad face*

asa ca urmez eu:

acting goofy with a friend at my place :3
as you can see, even my friends are orange * evil grin *

some ppl know me by the name of Sepie :P
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post Feb 9 2011, 09:51 PM
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Poza e la profil :P .
Probabil ca de aceea nici nu au existat astfel de topicuri pana acum. In general cei care vor sa-si arate fata si-o pun la profil :P . Oricum, e greu sa recunosti o persoana doar dupa o poza, but good luck XD.

Offtopic: pana de curand eram sigura ca Neko e fata. Good thing the pic opened my eyes :lol: .
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post Feb 9 2011, 10:01 PM
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QUOTE(Tessa @ Feb 9 2011, 09:51 PM)
Poza e la profil :P .
Probabil ca de aceea nici nu au existat astfel de topicuri pana acum. In general cei care vor sa-si arate fata si-o pun la profil :P . Oricum, e greu sa recunosti o persoana doar dupa o poza, but good luck XD.

Offtopic: pana de curand eram sigura ca Neko e fata. Good thing the pic opened my eyes  :lol: .

awwww... spoilsport, doar pe u si pe hiki v-am vazut cu poze la profil =P ca mi-ai zis u ca-s poze pe profil >.>
and lulz.... there's a thingie under my avatar that sayz that i'm a guy ?
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post Feb 9 2011, 10:27 PM
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QUOTE(iNeko @ Feb 9 2011, 10:01 PM)
awwww... spoilsport, doar pe u si pe hiki v-am vazut cu poze la profil =P ca mi-ai zis u ca-s poze pe profil >.>
and lulz.... there's a thingie under my avatar that sayz that i'm a guy ?

Si zeri se lauda cu o poza pe acolo de ceva timp XD.
That blue arrow never got my attention, but the nick and ava did. They always looked too cute for a guy XD. But please don't feel offended. Cute means good ^_^ .
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post Feb 9 2011, 10:34 PM
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pai innainte m-i se spunea sepie... nici nu mai tin minte cum m-i s-a dat nick-ul ala.. hmmm....stiu ca avea legatura cu Carmageddon daca ai auzit de jocul ala.... annyway, i haz 5 catz, i luvz them allz and i hugz them allot, i dun like dogs, si lumea mereu imi zice pe net ca am o personalitate de pisica... pluss. i liek furrys XD... so sad i absolutely FAIL at drawing them *sad face*... so, one day, i started playing mabinogi with some friends, dar am zis ca nu stie nimeni ce inseamna Sepie.. si sa nu creada ca-s vre-un francez sau ceva... si am incercat sa-mi pun numele Neko, evident era taken... and i had this brilliant idea sa-mi pun cu "i" in fata, ca la iPod sau iRobot, and there u have it, it sticked :3
anyway here's a bonus.... it's me in oblivion :P

@zeri... aww man, nu recunosc pe nimeni *sad face* si vin la otaku si niji din 2006 sau 7 :\
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post Feb 9 2011, 10:38 PM
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QUOTE(Tessa @ Feb 9 2011, 11:27 PM)
Si zeri se lauda cu o poza pe acolo de ceva timp XD.
That blue arrow never got my attention, but the nick and ava did. They always looked too cute for a guy XD. But please don't feel offended. Cute means good  ^_^ .

Poza aia e acolo de cand eram tanar si ferice :lol:
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Garden Girl
post Feb 9 2011, 10:39 PM
Post #8

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@iNeko: Ești roacăr?
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post Feb 9 2011, 10:40 PM
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They always looked too cute for a guy XD. But please don't feel offended. Cute means good

Cute never means good for a guy :P

Cred ca au mai fost topicuri din'astea pe a-c dar au fost taiate pe motiv ca is ca matrimonialele?
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post Feb 9 2011, 10:42 PM
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Eh, acum avem si feisbuc, ne mai vedem si pe acolo.
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post Feb 9 2011, 10:43 PM
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QUOTE(Garden Girl @ Feb 9 2011, 10:39 PM)
@iNeko: Ești roacăr?

evident ca nu-s .......... sarcasm...... it's obvious no ?
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post Feb 9 2011, 10:50 PM
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QUOTE(Moonsparkle @ Feb 9 2011, 10:40 PM)
Cred ca au mai fost topicuri din'astea pe a-c dar au fost taiate pe motiv ca is ca matrimonialele?

Neah, they're cool. Atata timp cat nimeni nu posteaza un video cu motivul pentru care she/he is single we're safe XD.
@Zeri, poate postezi si tu ceva mai recent ca sa te recunoasca lumea pe la Niji/Otaku. :P
@Neko, daca vrei sa cunosti lumea de pe forum te sfatuiesc sa mergi la meeturi. In nici un caz nu o sa-i gasesti/recunosti printre 300+ persoane :lol: .

Eh, acum avem si feisbuc, ne mai vedem si pe acolo.

Or not :P .
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Garden Girl
post Feb 9 2011, 10:53 PM
Post #13

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Feisbuc = turma
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post Feb 9 2011, 10:58 PM
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as vrea sa ajung pe la meetinguri, but there's a slight problem, eu stau in chitila, si cum vad ca majoritatea-s pe la 8 seara, eu nu prea mai am cu ce sa ajung pe acasa,well, there's allways a taxi, or the option to sleep in a park somewhere, prin cismigiu la cetate (sarcasm)

sa-mi vad proggramul dupa sesiune, si poate reusesc sa ajung si eu pe la cateva
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Garden Girl
post Feb 9 2011, 11:02 PM
Post #15

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Pai tramvaiu 45 circula pana la chitila. How cum you can't make it? Stiam ca astea au program pana noaptea la 11 incolo...
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post Feb 9 2011, 11:07 PM
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Sambata se intalneste lumea pe la 10 dimineata :) .
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post Feb 9 2011, 11:08 PM
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problema e ca mai am mult de mers de la capatul lui 45..... maxi taxi are program pana la 9 si 422-ul pana la 8 :\
*thinks about the good old days, cand stateam in 13 septembrie*
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Garden Girl
post Feb 9 2011, 11:11 PM
Post #18

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post Feb 10 2011, 12:40 AM
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Si eu...hopa,la matrimoniale :blink:

Nu ca as rezolva ceva cu ea,dar macar va formati o idee :lol:
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post Feb 10 2011, 01:06 AM
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Aici eram acasa si ma jucam "cine clipeste primul" cu soarele... In spate se vad cateva dvd-uri cu anime iar undeva in dreapta am biroul unde am desenate cadrele animeurilor ce trebuiau sa ajunga in Japonia ca sa ruleze la tv in saptamana aia.
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